Khadilkar , Shri Raghunath Keshav

Khadilkar , Shri Raghunath Keshav

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Baramati
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 4 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 5

More Information :
KHADILKAR, SHRI R. K., B.A., LL.B., (Cong.) Maharashtra-Baramati- 1971, Son of Shri Keshav Babaji Khadilkar; b. at Naringa, Taluk Devgad, Distt. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra State, December 15, 1905; ed. at Ferguson and Law Colleges of Poona, University of Bombay; m. Dr. Chapala R. Khadilkar, August 13, 1936; 4 d.; Social and Political Worker, Served several terms of imprisonment between 1930 and 1945; Joined Youths League Movement in 1928 and became Secretary, Maharashtra Youth Congress in 1931; One of the founder Members of the Congress Socialist Party in 1934; Publicity Secretary, Faizpur Session of the Indian National Congress in 1936; Member, (i) Indian National Congress 1930-48 and since 1962, and (ii) Maharashtra Provincial Congress Committee and its Peasants Inquiry Committee which drafted the agrarian programme of the Faizpur Session; Left Congress in 1948 and organised along with other colleagues the "All India Peasants" and Workers' Party" and was elected its General Secretary in 1953; Took a leading part in forming the "All India Mazdoor Kisan Party" a coalition of seven leftist organisations in 1955 and was elected Secretary Convener of the Central Committee of the Organisation; Rejoined Congress in 1962 consequent on the merger of the "Mazdoor Kisan Party" with the Congress; Member (i) Poona Municipality, 1945-50, (ii) Poona University Court, (iii) Executive Committee, Poona Branch of the Indian Council of World Affairs; Delegate to the Asian Peace Conference held in China in 1952; Delegate to the World Agricultural and Forestry Workers Conference held in Vienna in 1953; Member, (i) Second Lok Sabha, 1957-62, (ii) Estimates Committee, 1957-58, (iii) Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67, and (iv) Public Accounts Committee, 1962-63 and 1963-64 and also its Chairman for some time; Chairman, Study Team appointed by the Government to examine the Iron and Steel Control Organisation; Member of Parliamentary Delegation to U.S.A. in 1963; Member of Delegation to the Middle Eastern countries in 1965; Member, Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967-70; Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha, March 28, 1967-November 1, 1969; Minister of Supply and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, November, 1969-June, 1970; Minister of Supply June 1970-March, 1971; Minister of Labour and Rehabilitation, 1971. Favourite pastime and recreation.—Reading. Special interests.—International affairs and the socio-economic development in the under-developed regions of Africa and Asia. Books published.—"Nava Cheenchya Nirmitichi Roop Rekha" an outline of the developments in China after liberation. Travels abroad.--U.K., France, West Germany, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Itlay, U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Japan, China and German Democratic Republic, U.A.R., Rumania, Middle East countries. Permanent address.—"Pushpak", Laxmi Road, 200, Narayan Peth, Poona-30, Maharashtra.