Kelappan , Shri K.

Kelappan , Shri K.

Party Name : Samata Party
Constituency : Ponnani
State : Manipur
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 1

More Information :
 KELAPPAN, SHRI K., B.A., K.M.P. (Madras—Ponnani— 1952): S. of Shri T. Karunakaran Nayar; B. Village Payyoli, Distt. Malabar, August 14, 1890; ed. at B.G.M.P. High School,  Tellicherry, Zamorin's College, Calicut and Christian College, Madras; Widower; 1 S.; Political and social worker; Member, Harijan Sevak Sangh; President, Seva Sadan, Perur; Member, Advisory Committee, Kerala Gandhi National Memorial Fund; President, Kerala P.C.C.; President, Malabar District Board; Interested in uplift of Harijans and other backward communities. Hobbies: Gardening and carpentry. Special interest: Harijan uplift. Recreation: Yogic asanas and Suryanamaskar. Publication: "Congress and Communism" in Malyalam. Permanent address: Mudadi, North Malabar, Madras.