Jha , Shri Shiva Chandra

Jha , Shri Shiva Chandra

Party Name : Samyukta Socialist Party
Constituency : Madhubani
State : Bihar
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
JHA, SHRI  SHIVA CHANDRA. S.S.P., (Bihar—Madhubani—1967):  s. of Shri Jaya Kant Jha; b. at Vill Patuaha, Saharsa Distt., Bihar, March 1, 1929; ed. up to Matriculation at T, K. Ghosh Academy, Patna, from 1939 to 1944; Patna College, Patna up to B.A., from 1944 to 1948; Yuba College, Marysville, California, from 1949 to 1950; worked for M.A. (Economics) and M.J. (Journalism) degrees at the University of California, Berkeley. California 1950 to 1955; m. Smt. Nayantara, Jha June, 1963; 2 D,; Author and free-lance journalist; associated with, the Socialist movement in the country since 1946; was a member of the Congress Socialist Party, the P.S.P. and is now a member of the S.S.P., since 1964; took active part in the nationalist movement; was one of the first to support the resolution on hoisting the national flag on the Patna Secretariat in the 1942 movement; organised strikes and processions to achieve the objective; participated in various student movements from 1944 to 1948; in November, 1948, sailed for the United States of America for higher studies and was a student in California up to March, 1955; worked his way through the University in California; took part in political and labour movements at the University of California, Berkeley; was forced to leave the United States in 1955 for writing in the San Francisco Chronicle and for his socialist ideas; on return to India did not do any service; worked for sometime at Shri Jayaprakash Narayan's Sarvodaya Ashram at Sekhodoura, Gaya, doing village survey work in 1955; State Convener, Samajwadi Yuvak Sabha, Bihar, 1956-59; took active part in "Ghera Dalo" movement in 1964 and was on nine-day hunger strike in the Darbhanga District Jail; arrested again in August, 1966 during the "Bihar Bandh" movement. Hobbies:  Buying books. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Movies and music. Special interests:  Oratory in both English and Hindi. . Publications:  (i) A Concept of Planned Free Press (1958); (ii) Marxist Theories of Imperialism; Lenin. Rosa Luxemburg and Fritz Stern-berg (1959); (iii) American Finance Capitalism [A discussion, with Prof. Robert J. Alexander, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A. (1963)]; (iv) Studies in the Development of Capitalism in India (1963) and (v) The Indian Trade Union Movement (in Press); has also-written a number of articles in the Aryavarta (Hindi), Patna; Janata (Hindi and English), Patna and Bombay; the National Herald, Lucknow; the Hindustan Standard, Calcutta; and in the S.S.P. monthly, "Jan" (Hindi). Sports:  Football and Cricket. Travels abroad:   Burma, Malaya, Singapore, Philippines, Guam, Honolulu, U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Algeria, Egypt, Aden and Pakistan. Permanent address:  Vill. Malangia, P.O. Ryam Factory, Distt. Darbhanga (Bihar).