Jethmalani , Shri Ram

Jethmalani , Shri Ram

Party Name : Bharatiya Janata Party
Constituency : Bombay North West
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 7

More Information :
JETHMALANI, SHRI RAM, LL.M. [Bharatiya Janata Maharashtra Bombay North-West, 1980]  s. of Shri Boolchand Jethmalani; b.; at Sind (now in Pakistan), September 14, 1923; ed. at Bombay University; m. Smt. Ratna Jethmalani September 5, 1947: 2 s. and 2 d.: Lawyer and Legal Educationist, previously associated with Indian National Congress; Currently, Vice President, Bharatiya Janata party; Member, (i) Bar Council of India, 1965, and,  (ii) International Bar Association, 1966; Vice-Chairman, Bar Council of India, I968; Chairman, Bar Council of India, 1970; Vice-President, World Peace through Law Centre, 1973; Member, Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79 and its Privileges and Library Committees; presently Member, Committee of Privileges.   Social activities:  Interested in slum clearance.    Favourite pastime and recreation:  Sports.   Publications:  (i) 'Conflict of Laws', 1956: and (ii) 'Justice Soviet Style'.   Sports and clubs:  Badminton and Swimming; Member, (i) Bombay Gymkhana (ii) Radio Club, Bombay, and (iii) Poona Club Ltd., Poona.  Travels abroad:  Widely travelled all over the world.   Permanent address:  41, 'Advent' 12-A, General Bhonsle Marg, Bombay, Maharashtra.