Hande , Shri Vithalrao Ganpatrao

Hande , Shri Vithalrao Ganpatrao

Party Name : Peasants And Workers` Party of India
Constituency : Nashik
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 6

More Information :
HANDE, SHRI VITHALRAO GANAPATRAO, LL.B., P. & W. P., (Maharashtra—Nasik—1977):  s. of Shri Ganpatrao Dagaduji Hande; b. at Adgaon Taluk, Nasik District, 1922; ed. at Maratha, High School, Nasik, Baroda College and Law College, Poona and Kolhapur; m. Smt. Sushila Hande, 1950; 4 d.; Social worker and agriculturist; participated in the freedom movement, Samyukta Maharashtra and Peasants' movements and was kept in imprisonment; Chairman, Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj, Nasik for the last 8 years and also of the State Organisation of Educational Management in Maharashtra State; Member, Executive Council and Treasurer, Poona University; since last 2 years; Member, Polit Bureau, Peasants' and Workers' Party of India; Member, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, 1957—62 and Maharashtra Legislative Council 1968—74. Social activities:  Propagation of education; connected with the running of 73 schools and 8 colleges.

Special interest:  Agriculture.

Permanent address:  Nasik City, Maharashtra.