Gupta , Shri Badshah

Gupta , Shri Badshah

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Mainpuri
State : Uttar Pradesh
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 3

More Information :
GUPTA, SHRI BADSHAH, B.A., LL.B., Cong., (Uttar Pradesh—Mainpuri—1962):  S. of Shri Jagannath Prasad; B. Village and P.O. Ram Nagar, District Mainpuri, 1900; ed. at Sanatan Dharam High School, Etawah, U.P., St. John's College, Agra and Law College, Allahabad; m. Shrimati Shanti Devi, 1916; 2 S., 1 D.; Practised law from 1929 to 1946; Went to jail during 1940-41 and again in 1942 for participation in the national movement; President, (1) D.A.V. Inter College, Jeonti, District Manipuri, (2) Sri Adarsh Vidya Mandir J. H. School, Ram Nagar, (3) District Harijan Sevak Sangh, Mainpuri, (4) District Harijan Municipal Co-operative Society, Mainpuri, (5) D.C.C., Mainpuri; Member, P.C.C. and A.I.C.C. many times; District Convenor, Bharat Sewak Samaj, Mainpuri; Director, (1) District Cooperative Society Ltd., Mainpuri, (2) District Cooperative Development Federation, Mainpuri; Member, (1) U.P. State Warehousing Corporation, Manipuri, (2) Bharat Scouts and Guides Association, Mainpuri; Member, U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1946—52; Member, First Lok Sabha, 1952—57. Hobbies:  Political and social work under the Congress Organisation. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Tennis and Walking. Special interest:  Walking on foot in the woods and on the hills. Sport:  Tennis. Permanent address:  160, Rajendra Nagar, Lucknow (U.P.). [Voting results at the Election:  Electorate:  4,24,099 Shri Badshah Gupta                                    . .                 52,328 Shri Ram Nath                                             . .                 51,524 Shri Jagdish Singh                                       . .                 36,331 Shri Brij Pal Singh Nim                                  . .                 32,048 Shri Vishnu Dayal                                         . .                 31,186 Shri Janki                                        . .                 22,708 Shri Lala Ham Yadava                                  . .                   7,213 Shri Amiri Lai                                                . .                   5,240].