Gopalan , Shri Ayillath Kuttieri

Gopalan , Shri Ayillath Kuttieri

Party Name : Communist Party(Marxist)
Constituency : Palghat
State : Kerala
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 5 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 5

More Information :
GOPALAN, SHRI A. K., [Comm. (M.)] Kerala-Palghat—1971, Son of Shri V. K. Ryru Nambiar; b. at Mavilayi, Distt. Cannanore, October 1, 1904; ed. at Mission High School and Brennen College, Tellicherry; m. Shrimati Suseela Gopalan, September 10, 1952; 1 d.; Teacher; associated with the Indian National Congress, 1927-34 and the Congress Socialist Party, 1934-36; Member, A.I.C.C. for several years; was President and Secretary, Kerala P.C.C.; active worker in Trade Union and Kisan Movements in Kerala; imprisoned and detained several times for political activities and remained underground for live years; Captain, Volunteers, Temple Entry Satyagraha, Gurvayoor, Kerala; went on hunger march from Cannanore to Madras by foot, covering 750 miles; led a Jatha of forty volunteers to Travancore to take part in the movement for responsible government in the State; took part in the Kisan March from Kasargod to Trivandrum; undertook fast for twelve days at Amravati for the rehabilitation of the ejected peasants; Member, Executive Committee, Trade Union International of Agricultural Forestry and Plantation workers; Member, (i) First Lok Sabha, 1952-57, (ii) Second Lok Sabha, 1957-62, (iii) Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67 and (iv) Fourth Lok Sabha 1967-70. Special interest.—Kisan Sabha. Publications.—Kerala, Past and Present; Autobiography, Diary about visit to the Soviet Union; I saw a new World. Travels abroad.—China, U.S.S.R., U.K., France, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Ceylon, Burma, Malaya, Singapore, Rumania, G.D.R. and Cyprus. Permanent address.—Muhamma, Distt. Alleppey, Kerala.