Gadgil , Shri Vithal Narhar

Gadgil , Shri Vithal Narhar

Party Name : Congress (I)
Constituency : Pune
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 9

More Information :
GADGIL, SHRI VITHAL NARHAR, B.A., (Hons.)  B.Sc., (Eco), Bar-at-Law [Congress (I)—Maharashtra, Pune, 1989]:  s. of Narhar Vishnu Gadgil; b. at Pune, Maharashtra, September 22, 1928; ed. at University of Bombay, L.S.E., London, Lincoln's Inn., London; m. Sunita, October 16, 1955, 1 s. and 1 d.; Lawyer, Political and Social Worker; participated in freedom struggle; Offices held:  Union Minister of State, Defence Production, December 1975—March 1977; Union Minister of State (Ind. charge) Communications, January 1983—December 1984; Union Minister of State (Ind. charge) Information & Broadcasting, January 1985—October 1986;  Previous Association with Political Parties:  Gen. Secy. PCC, Maharashtra, 1967-72, Gen. Secy. CPP, 1972-74, Gen. Secy. AICC(I) since September 1988;

Previous Membership:  Rajya Sabha, 1971-80; Committee Experience:  Chairman, Committee on Subordinate Legislation, 1974-75; Member, Library Committee, March 27, 1990 and Consultative, Committee, Ministry of Defence, 1990;

Favourite Pastime and Recreation:  Reading, Classical Music, Poetry, Theatre;

Publications:  Obscenity and Law, Trials of Great Men, Indian Judicial System (all Marathi);

Delegation to Foreign Countries:  Leader, IPD to UK and West Germany, 1973; Member, Indian Delegation to U.N. General Assembly, 1975;

Travels Abroad:  U.K, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., Japan, Bulgaria, Nigeria, Australia, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Cuba;

Special Interests:  Political Science, Law and Defence;

Social Activities:  President, Amar Hind Mandal, Bombay, Sainik Kalyan Kendra, Bombay, Anath Vidyarthi Griha, Pune, Maharashtra Education and Cultural Society, Delhi and Kakasaheb Gadgil Pratishthan, Pune;

Other Information:  President, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune; Member, Court, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, January 19, 1990;

Permanent Address:  419, Shanwar Peth, Pune, Maharashtra, 411030.