Deshmukh , Dr. Punjabrao Shamrao

Deshmukh , Dr. Punjabrao Shamrao

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Amravati
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 3

More Information :
DESHMUKH, DR. PUNJABRAO S., M.A., (Edin.), D.Phil., (Oxon.), Bar-at-Law, Cong., (Maharashtra—Amravati—1962):  S. of Shri Shamrao; B. Village Papal, District Amarvati, December 27, 1898; ed. at Fergusson College, Poona, Edinburgh University, Oxford University and Lincoln's Inn, London; Vans Dunlop Research Scholar, 1923—26; m. Vimalabai Deshmukh, B.A., LL.B., 1927; 1 S.; Advocate; Founder of the C. P. & Berar Farmers' Association (Shetkari Sangh 1926—46); Founder and President, Shri Shivaji Education Society, Amarvati (Maharashtra), 1930; elected its Life President in 1937; Founder and President, All India Backward Classes Federation since 1950; Founder President (1) Bharat Krishak Samaj, (Farmers' Forum, India); (2) Young Farmers' Association of India, 1956; (3) Agricultural Machinery Association of India, 1959; (4) All India Non-edible Oil Industries Association; (5) Meals for Millions Association of India since 1955; (6) International Rural Youth Conference and its Interim Committee, 1961; Founder and was first President, (i) All India Tad Gur Mahasangh; (ii) National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation (India), 1953-59; (iii) Afro-Asian Rural Re-construction Conference, New Delhi, 1961; (iv) World Agriculture Fair, 1959-60; (v) First National Agriculture Fair, Calcutta, 1961; Second National Agriculture Fair, Madras, 1962; Established the Farmers' Cooperative Bank of India Ltd., and called the 11th Session of International Federation of Agricultural Producers in New Delhi in 1959 on behalf of the Bharat Krishak Samaj Farmers' Forum, India); President, Kurmi Kshatriya Mahasabha, 1944; President, All India Bee-Keepers' Association since 1954; President, Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi; Member, Himalayan Society, New Delhi; Member, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi; Patron, Rajasthan Poultry Breeders' Association; Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts., London; Elected Member, Executive Committee of Afro-Asian Rural Re-construction Organization (1962); Represented India at F.A.O. Conference in Washington, 1948 and Rome, 1951; Leader of the Indian Delegation to F.A.O. Conference in Rome in 1953; Led delegation to the Second Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organisation Conference at Cairo, 1962; Attended F.A.O./ I.L.O. Conferences on Cooperatives in Ceylon, 1954; Leader, Indian delegation to F.A.O. Asia and Far East Regional Conferences held at Bangalore, 1953, Tokyo, 1954, Calcutta, 1956, Tokyo, 1958, Saigon, 1961; Led Indian Delegation to Russia to study cooperative organisations, 1956; Led delegation to China in 1958; Leader of Agriculture Ministers delegation to U.S.S.R., 1960. Chairman, District Council, Amarvati 1928—30; Member, C.P. & Berar Legislative Council, 1930—37; Minister of Education, P.W.D., Agriculture and Cooperation, C. P. & Berar, 1930—33; Member, Executive Council, Nagpur University, 1945—52; Political Member and Vice-President, State Council of Dewas (Junior), 1942—46; Member, Committee of Ministers for the Chamber of Princes and General Secretary, Central India and other States Group 1942—46; Member, Post-War Reconstruction Policy Committee for Transport, 1944-45; Member, Standing Advisory Committee on Agriculture, Home and Education; Member, Indian Central Sugarcane Committee, 1948—52; Member, Council of Higher Technical Education and its Co-ordinating Committee, 1948—52; First Member, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes Scholarship Board, which he was mainly responsible in setting up with late Thakkar Bapa, 1949—51; Member, King Edward Memorial Scholarship Board, 1949; Chairman, Committee on State Trading which recommended unanimously the establishment of the State Trading Corporation, 1950; Chairman, Cotton Marketing Committee appointed by the Ministry on Food & Agriculture, 1949; Member, Central Advisory Board of Education, 1947—51; Member, Constituent Assembly of India 1946-50; Member, Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) 1946—50; Member, Provisional Parliament 1950—52; Member, First Lok Sabha 1952—57 and Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62; Union Minister of Agriculture 1952—57; Union Minister of Cooperation 1957-58 and Union Minister of Agriculture 1958—62; Pro-Chairman, National Nutrition Advisory Board since 1961. Accomplishment in letters, art and science:  Elected fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (London), 1951. Hobbies:  Reading, Music and Photography. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Tennis, Billiards, Bridge and Music. Special interests:   (1) Spread of Education.  (2) Improvement of public health, especially nutrition.  (3) Promoting Cooperative movement and Organisation.  (4) Protection of farmers' interests and promoting of their education and organisations.  (5) Uplift of Backward Classes. Clubs:  Patron, Three Arts Club, New Delhi. Travels abroad:  Austria, Burma, Ceylon, China, Denmark, Egypt, Italy, Iran, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand Viet-Nam, U.S.A., Yugoslavia and Russia. Publications:  "Origin and Development of Religion In Vedic Literature". Permanent address:  Amarvati Camp.  [Voting results at the Election: Electorate:  4,75,248 Dr. P. S. Deshmukh                                       . .                   1,77,109 Shri R. S. Gawai                                             . .                   1,16,737  Shri Habib Khan Mahaboob Khan                  . .                       22,301 Shri Gajanan Shankar                                    . .                       14,444 Shri B. M. Wagramare                                     . .                         4,064].