Deb , Shri D.N.

Deb , Shri D.N.

Party Name : Swatantra Party
Constituency : Angul
State : Orissa
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
DEB, SHRI D. N., B.A.., Swa.,  (Orissa-Angul-1967) :  s. of  late Shri  Badkumar  Balabhadra  Deb;  b.  at Deogarh,  Distt.  Sambalpur,  March, 1915;  ed.  at Deogarh  English  High  School, South  Suburban  School,  Calcutta  and  Presidency  Collage, Calcutta;  m.  Shrimati  Urmilla  Kumari  Devi, 1946;  1 s.  and 3  d.; Agriculturist;  previously  associated  with  the  Gantantra Parishad, Chairman Deogarh Municipality. Social activities:  Interested in promotion of cooperative societies, especially for the benefit of farmers. Hobbies:  Reading and photography.  Favourite pastime and recreation:  Shooting.  Special interests:  Farming.  Sports:  Tennis and Football. Travels abroad:  U.K. and Europe. Permanent Address:  P.O. Deogarh, Sambalpur, Orissa.