Dandavate , Prof. Madhu

Dandavate , Prof. Madhu

Party Name : Janata Dal
Constituency : Rajapur
State : Maharashtra
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 5 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 9

More Information :
DANDAVATE, PROF. MADHU, M.Sc., [Janata Dal—Maharashtra, Rajapur, 1989]:  s. of Ramachandra; b. at Ahmednagar, January 21, 1924; ed. at Royal Institute of Science, Bombay; m. Pramila Dandavate, October 22, 1953, 1 s.; Political and Social Worker, Teacher and Educationist; participated in the Quit India Movement, 1942; Public Offices held:  Union Minister, Railways, March 1977-July 1979 and Finance, December 5, 1989—November 10, 1990; Previous Association with Political Parties:  General. Secretary, SP, 1972;

Previous Membership:  Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971—77, Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977—79, Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980—84, Eighth Lok Sabha, 1984-89; Legislative  Council, Maharashtra, 1970-71;

Committee Experience:  Member, Business Advisory Committee, 1980—84 and Estimates Committee, 1985-86;

Favourite Pastime and Recreation:  Reading, music, films, theatre;

Publications: Three Decades of Indian Communism; Marx and Gandhi; Evolution of Socialist Policies; Kashmir: A test case for Secularism; Gandhiji's impact on Socialist Thinking; Yusuf Mehrally—A quest for New Horizon; Architects of Modern India (a Commentary);

Travels Abroad:  Yugoslavia, UK, Italy, West Germany, France, USA, Greece, Lebanon, Egypt, Austria, Switzerland;

Special Interests:  Study of Science and Literature; 

Sports and Clubs:  Cricket and Swimming; Other Information:  Led Satyagraha in Goa against Portuguese Imperialism, 1955; participated in Land Liberation Satyagraha; detained during Emergency; Non-Councillor Member, Education Committee of Bombay Municipal Corporation, 1962—70; Trustee, Yusuf Mehrally Education Society; President, Bank of Baroda Employees Federation, 1973—75; 'Secretary, Maharashtra State Citizens' Defence Committee (during Chinese and Pakistani aggression in 1962 and 1965 respectively); Professor of Physics and Vice-principal, Siddharth College, Bombay;

Permanent Address:  K-1, Sharadashram, Bhavani Shanker Road, Dadar, Bombay-28, Maharashtra.