Dabhi , Shri Ajitsinh

Dabhi , Shri Ajitsinh

Party Name : Congress (I)
Constituency : Kaira
State : Gujarat
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 3 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 8

More Information :
DABHI, SHRI AJITSINH, B.A., (Hons.), LL.B. [Congress (I) —Gujarat, Kaira, 1984]  s. of Shri Fulsinhji Dabhi; b. at Vyasda, Panchmahals District, May 28, 1926; ed. at Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad, Dadabhai Naroji High School, Anand L. D. Arts, College, Ahmedabad; Sir L. A. Shah Law College, Ahmedabad (Bombay University); m. Smt. Rajlaxmi, November 25, 1955; 4 s. and 2 d.; Advocate and Agriculturist; Joint Secretary, Gujarat Youth Congress, 1958-60; President, Kaira District Congress (I) Committee 1973—83, Secretary, L. D. Arts College Students Union Ahmedabad, 1947; Member, (i) Gujarat State Transport Authority, 1968-70; (ii) Senate, Gujarat University, 1972-73, (iii) Senate, Sardar Patel University, since 1977; Director, (i) Kaira District Co-operative Sales and Purchase Union, Nadiad, (ii) Federation of Co-operative Stores, Nadiad; Chairman, Kaira District Education Committee (District Panchayat), 1976-77; Member, Gujarat Legislative Assembly, 1972-74; Member, (i) Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79, (ii) Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980-84; Member, (i) Consultative Committee, Ministry of Industry, 1977-79 and 1980-84, (ii) Select Committee on Viswa Bharati (Amendment) Bill, 1978, (iii) Estimates Committee, 1980-82, (iv) Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions, 1982-84, (v) Joint Committee on Offices of Profit, 1982-84 and again in 1985-86, (vi) Hindi Salahkar Samiti, Ministry of Commerce, 1984. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading detective novels, seeing films and plays and acting in plays. Permanent address:  8, Saraswat Co-operative Housing Society, behind Railway Station, Nadiad, Kaira District, Gujarat State.