Chatterjee , Shri Hari Pada

Chatterjee , Shri Hari Pada

Party Name : Independents
Constituency : Krishnagar
State : West Bengal
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 2 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
CHATTERJEE, SHRI H.P., M.Sc., Ind., (West Bengal-Krishnagar-1967):  s. of late Shri Basanta Kumar Chatterjee; b. Krishna Nagar, District Nadia, West Bengal, January 5, 1897; ed. at Presidency College, Calcutta; m. Shrimati Preety Das, July 10, 1940; 1 s.; whole-time social and political worker; formerly Member, Congress and K.M.P. Parties Organised No-Rent and No-Tax Campaign in Nadia, West Bengal, during the Non-Cooperation days; Courted imprisonment during Independence struggle in the years 1921, 1930, 1932, 1934, 1940 and 1942; President of the Nadia District Congress Committee and member of the A.I.C.C. for several years; Member, Bengal Legislative Assembly, 1937—46 -and West Bengal Legislative Assembly 1946—57; Member, (i) West Bengal State Forest Advisory Board. l947—57 and (ii) Central Jute Committee, 1947-51; represented I.C.J.C. in I.C.A.R,; Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67. Social Activities:  Rural Uplift especially promotion of Khadi, National Education and Improvement of local breeds of cattle in the Nadia District; Endower and Secretary of the Sahib-nagar Krishi Silpa Pratisthan a charitable trust devoted to rural uplift, extension work in mixed farming, cattle breeding etc; was awarded many prizes for cattle breeding, horticulture, fodder growing, and agriculture; was awarded first prize for afforestation work in the District of Nadia in 1958 by the Governor of West Bengal. Accomplishments in letters, art and science:  First class first in M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), Gold Medalist and Research Scholar. Hobbies:  Touring in mountain and forests. Favourite Pastime and recreation:  Walking in-villages. Special interests:   Improvement of agriculture, poultry, cattle breed and afforestation and soil conservation work. Sports:  Football, Football Captain in School days. Travels abroad:  Nepal, Sikkim, Tibbet and U.S.S.R. Books published:  "Ma Bhoi". Permanent address:  Sahebnagar, P.O., Nadia District, West Bengal.