Birua , Shri Kolai

Birua , Shri Kolai

Party Name : Jharkhand Party
Constituency : Singhbhum-ST
State : Bihar
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
BIRUA, SHRI KOLAI, B.A., Jharkhand, [Bihar— Singhbhum-Reserved-Sch. Tribes)—1967]:  s. of late Shri Uday Birua; b. at Vill. Demkapada, Singhbhum Distt. February 15, 1933; ed. at Demkapada L.P. School, Torlo UP. School, Asura Govt. Subsidized H.E. School and Tata College, Chaibasa; Unmarried; Cultivator; was Head Master, Bharbharia High School, Bharbharia; Member, National Rifle Cadet Corps, 1960—62. Social activities:  Took part in various socio-cultural activities, organised co-operative movement and the Adi Samaj movement assisted in digging wells and ponds. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Tribal dance, music, fishing and hunting. Special interests:  Agriculture, Poultry, fishery, Education. Sports:  Football. Permanent address:  Vill. Demkapada, P.O. Gitilpi, P.S. Manjhari, Distt Singhbhum, Bihar.