Ahmed , Shri Jahan Uddin

Ahmed , Shri Jahan Uddin

Party Name : Praja Socialist Party (PSP)
Constituency : Dhubri
State : Assam
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 4

More Information :
AHMED, SHRI JAHAN UDDIN, B.Sc, LL.B., P.S.P.. (Assam-Dhubri-1967):  s. of late Shri Arabuddin Muhamed Sarkar;  b. February 11, 1904; ed, at Cotton College and Arle Law College, Gauhati; m. Shrimati Johora Khatoon, June 1, 1925; 3 s. and 10 d; Lawyer; Previously associated with United Peoples Party in Assam. (since dissolved); Parliamentary Secretary, Revenue and Education, Assam Government, 1938; Vice-Chairman, Local Board, Dhubri, Assam, 1938—45; Chairman, Dhubri Local Board, 1946—48; Member, Assam Legislative Assembly, 1937—46 and 1957-61. Social activities:  Worked for flood relief, spread of primary and secondary education in Dhubri Sub-Division, Uplift of minority communities and plains tribal people. Favourite pastime and recreation:  Music, shooting and hunting. Special interests:  Education and Agriculture. Sports:  Football, Hockey, Tennis, Badminton, etc. Permanent address:  P.O. Dhubri, Ward No.1, Ward Street, Assam.