(a) the details of production of raw jute during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise;

(b) the details of domestic as well as export demand of raw jute during the said period; and

(c) the action taken by the Government to meet the demand?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The State-wise production of raw jute during each of the last three years and the current year (estimated) is as under:-

	(In thousand bales of 180 Kg. per bale) States	2011-12	2012-13	2013-14	2014-15 (Estimated) West Bengal	79.00	74.00	72.50	68.00 Bihar	10.00	7.00	7.00	8.75 Assam	7.30	7.50	7.00	4.50 Odisha	1.20	1.40	1.50	1.00 Andhra Pradesh	3.50	1.50	1.00	2.00 Others	1.50	1.60	1.00	1.75 Total	102.50	93.00	90.00	86.00 
Source: Jute Advisory Board

(b): The detail of domestic as well as export demand of raw jute assessed by Jute Advisory Board during the said period is as under:-
 (Quantity: In lakh bales of 180 Kg. of each bale)	2011-12	2012-13	2013-14	2014-15	(Estimated) Domestic Demand 102.00	104.00	96.00	100.00 Export Demand	1.00	Nil	Nil	Nil 
(c): There is no shortage of raw jute to meet domestic and export demand. Further, Government of India has taken up various steps to meet the demand of raw jute in the country. Some of these steps are as under:-

i) The Jute Technology Mission (JTM) was launched as a major initiative for the overall development of jute industry and the growth of jute sector with a total outlay of Rs.355.55 crores. Government had implemented Mini Mission- II of Jute Technology Mission to enhance production & productivity of jute & mesta from 2006- 2007 to 2013-14. From 2014-15, the Mini Mission II of Jute Technology Mission has been subsumed under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Food Security Mission (NFSM) Commercial Crop Programme.

ii) Government has allocated an amount of Rs.7.00 crore for jute development programme under NFSM during 2014-15. Under NFSM, support is provided for jute & mesta seed production, frontline demonstration on alternate retting technology, Front Line Demonstration (FLD) on production technology/intercropping besides national level trainings through Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), etc., and state level training through the State Department of Agriculture.

iii) In order to encourage jute production, Government provides for compulsory packaging of certain percentage of foodgrains & Sugar in jute under Jute Packaging Material (Compulsory use in packaging commodities), 1987.

iv) Minimum Support Price (MSP) for raw jute and mesta is fixed every year to encourage farmers to grow more jute.

v) The Jute Corporation of India Limited (JCI) has undertaken Pilot Projects to improve productivity and quality of jute institutionalizing modern practices alongwith training in Siliguri, Murshidabad, Hooghly in West Bengal, Guwahati in Assam under financial support of National Jute Board.