Question : Welfare Schemes for SCs and OBCs

(a) the details of welfare schemes launched by the Government for Scheduled Castes(SCs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) during the last three years;

(b) the funds allocated/released to various States for implementation of these welfare schemes during the said period, scheme and State-wise, including Bihar, Jharkhand and Gujarat;

(c) whether reports of misuse or diversion of funds by the State Governments have been received during the said period;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the action taken thereon; and

(e) the steps taken by the Government for monitoring the implementation of these schemes?

Answer given by the minister

(a): The details of the schemes launched by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment for welfare of Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes during the last three years are as under:

(i) Stand-Up-India Scheme of National Scheduled Caste Finance and Development Corporation;

(ii) Udyam Nidhi Yojana of National Scheduled Caste Finance and Development Corporation;

(iii) Venture Capital Fund for Scheduled Castes entrepreneurs had been launched during 2014-15 and recently during 2017-18 under the said scheme entrepreneurs from Other Backward Classes have been covered/included.
(b) : The details of funds allocated/released to various State Governments including Bihar, Jharkhand and Gujarat for implementing the above schemes are given in Annexure.
(c) and (d): No report of misuse or diversion of funds from the States Governments has been received in the Ministry during the said period.
(e): The following mechanism is in place for monitoring the implementation of the schemes:
(i) The State Channelizing Agencies/Channelizing Agencies (SCAs/CAs) are required to submit utilization reports in the prescribed format containing the details such as name, gender, annual family income, castes and addresses of beneficiaries, amount disbursed, mode of disbursement, date of disbursement etc.
(ii) National Scheduled Caste Finance and Development Corporation nominees discuss the pending issues relating to NSFDC schemes in the Board Meetings of State Channelizing Agencies.
(iii) High level meetings of NSFDC Officers are held with State Governments and SCAs/CAs Officers to discuss the pending issues;
(iv) NSFDC reviews the progress of its schemes at regular intervals with the SCAs/CAs.
(v) Pending issues are reviewed and resolved in the Regional Workshops of SCAs.
(vi) Liaison Centres of NSFDC periodically inspect the units financed by NSFDC and submit reports on the same.


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