Question : Heritage Bye-laws

(a) the total number of heritage bye-laws prepared and notified so far under ASI Act;

(b) the reasons for inordinate delay in preparation of bye-laws for all the listed monuments across the country; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to fast track heritage bye-laws for all the protected monuments across the country?

Answer given by the minister



(a) Heritage Bye-laws with respect to 86 monuments have been prepared. As per Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, Heritage Bye-laws are to be laid in the Parliament. So far 3 documents covering Heritage Bye-laws in respect of 28 centrally protected monuments have been laid in the Parliament.
Remaining Heritage Bye-laws with respect to 58 monuments have been received from Regional Directors.

(b) Survey Plans are the basic need for Heritage Bye-laws. Further the exercise for framing Heritage Bye-laws requires survey, verification of Archaeological, historical information, existing development plan, regulations of local bodies, etc. which delay the process.

(c) All Circle offices of Archaeological Survey of India as well as Regional Directors were directed to prepare Survey Plans through the out sourcing to facilitate preparation of Heritage Bye-laws. Further, support staff has been provided to Regional Directors in this regard.

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