Question : Malnutrition among Women and Children

(a) the details of the schemes/programmes being implemented to fight malnutrition among women and children in the country at present;
(b) the budget allocation made for such programmes in the country during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise including Chhattisgarh;
(c) the malnutrition rate in Chhattisgarh during the said period; and
(d) the other efforts made/being made by the Government to fight malnutrition in the State among women and children?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The Government has accorded high priority to the issue of malnutrition and is making serious efforts to address this issue. Government implements Anganwadi Services Scheme, POSHAN Abhiyaan, Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana and Scheme for Adolescent Girls under the Umbrella Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS) as targeted interventions for Children under 6 years, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers and Adolescent Girls, throughout the country. POSHAN Abhiyaan aims to reduce malnutrition in a phased manner, through a life cycle approach, by adopting a synergised and result oriented approach. All these schemes address in one or other aspects related to nutrition and have the potential to improve nutritional outcomes in the country.

(b) The State/UT wise statement of funds allocated under POSHAN Abhiyaan, Anganwadi Services Scheme and Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandan Yojana including the State of Chhattisgarh is at Annexure I, II & III.

(c) The status of malnutrition (stunting, wasting, and underweight) in the country amongst children under 5 years is provided by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) conducted periodically by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW). The status of malnutrition among children under 5 years in the State of Chhattisgarh as per NFHS 5 (2019-21) survey is as under:

SN Indicator Prevalence
1. Stunting 34.6%
2. Wasting 18.9%
3. Underweight 31.3%

(d) For alleviation of malnutrition, Government has announced Mission Poshan 2.0 to strengthen nutritional content, delivery, outreach and outcomes with focus on developing practices that nurture health, wellness and immunity to disease and malnutrition. Steps have been taken to improve nutritional quality and testing in accredited labs, strengthen delivery and leverage technology under the ''Poshan Tracker'', a robust ICT enabled platform to improve governance with regard to real time monitoring of provisioning of supplementary nutrition for prompt supervision and management of services.
Government has released streamlined guidelines dated 13.1.2021 for greater transparency, accountability and quality in nutrition support programme and service delivery. These guidelines emphasize on ensuring the quality of supplementary nutrition, highlights roles and responsibilities of duty holders, IT enabled data management and monitoring, leveraging of traditional knowledge through AYUSH, procurement and convergence for achieving good nutritional outcomes. Further, a programme to support development of Poshan Vatikas at Anganwadi centres to meet dietary diversity gap leveraging traditional knowledge in nutritional practices has also been taken up.
Annexure I
State/UT wise statement of funds allocated/released under POSHAN Abhiyaan
(Amount in ? lakh)
SN States/UTs Total Central Funds allocated/released till 01.01.2022
4 ASSAM 32948.67
5 BIHAR 49365.59
9 DELHI 3327.18
10 GOA 455.95
11 GUJARAT 29127.69
12 HARYANA 6808.82
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 9224.35
15 JHARKHAND 6665.8
16 KARNATAKA 14276.52
17 KERALA 10444.89
18 LADAKH 118.768
20 MADHYA PRADESH 39398.53
21 MAHARASHTRA 60810.326
22 MANIPUR 4389.99
23 MEGHALAYA 5073.386
24 MIZORAM 2575.03
25 NAGALAND 5263.99
26 ODISHA 15172.11
27 PUDUCHERRY 943.62
28 PUNJAB 6909.84
29 RAJASTHAN 22904.21
30 SIKKIM 1370.98
31 TAMIL NADU 25060.44
32 TELANGANA 17906.84
33 TRIPURA 4135.95
34 UTTAR PRADESH 56968.96
35 UTTARAKHAND 13574.89
36 WEST BENGAL 26751.08
Total 525697.18

Annexure II
The details of funds allocated under Supplementary Nutrition Programme (Anganwadi Services Scheme) during from 2018-19 to 2021-22(as on 31.12.2021) are as follows:
(Rs. in lakhs)
Funds allocated/released under Supplementary Nutrition Programme
Sl. No. State/UTs APIP Approved
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
PRADESH 39530.13 35844.15 37473.16 37135.93
2 BIHAR 70750.25 77825.28 85607.81 85607.81
3 CHHATTISGARH 27099.81 29809.79 32790.77 24593.07
4 GOA 863.98 845.46 881.76 871.86
5 GUJARAT 32535.82 35789.4 39368.34 33671.97
6 HARYANA 7645.58 8410.14 9251.15 5919.04
7 JHARKHAND 29083.25 31991.58 35190.74 26033.90
8 KARNATAKA 49589.22 54548.14 59944.17 42415.51
9 KERALA 10784.8 11863.28 13049.61 13049.61
PRADESH 63241.34 69565.47 76522.02 74405.70
11 MAHARASHTRA 55055.2 60560.72 66616.79 85709.12
12 ODISHA 46408.23 51049.06 51279.05 50299.05
13 PUNJAB 7488.18 8237.00 9060.70 4477.26
14 RAJASTHAN 33221.84 36544.02 40198.42 34894.46
15 TAMIL NADU 37246.57 39331.66 39852.62 39022.39
16 TELANGANA 21170.5 23287.55 22487.67 22029.15
17 UTTAR PRADESH 156155.99 171771.59 188948.75 139063.60
18 WEST BENGAL 54420 59862.00 65848.20 65848.20
19 DELHI 6762.17 7438.39 7185.75 6539.81
20 PUDUCHERRY* 0 0 0.00 0.00
PRADESH 6976.22 7673.84 8441.22 7183.83
22 JAMMU &
KASHMIR 4257.02 4682.72 4682.72 4629.50
23 UTTARAKHAND 12090.44 13299.48 14629.43 14629.43
24 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 369.94 406.94 406.43 406.43
25 CHANDIGARH 769.72 846.69 633.26 702.83
26 D. &
NAGAR HAVELI 168.86 185.74 410.11 410.11
27 DAMAN & DIU 170.08 187.09 - -
28 LADAKH - - 554.23 133.65
28 LAKSHADWEEP 100.26 110.28 121.31 171.30
PRADESH 5010.68 3830.67 4001.44 3708.17
30 ASSAM 45037.9 49541.69 54495.86 54495.86
31 MANIPUR 5089.02 9960.45 8771.49 9101.98
32 MEGHALAYA 10468.21 11515.03 11707.34 11240.57
33 MIZORAM 2242.64 2466.9 2713.59 2288.18
34 NAGALAND 7588.35 7967.69 8233.04 8232.90
35 SIKKIM 751.11 582.82 606.45 359.50
36 TRIPURA 7488.55 8979.7 8670.68 7104.28
Total 857631.86 936812.41 1010636.08 916385.96

Annexure III
Statement showing Year-wise and State/UT-wise details of funds allocated/released under the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) (As on 31.12.2021)
(Rs. In Crores)
Sl. No. State/UT 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.41 1.27 0.98 1.19
2 Andhra Pradesh 141.02 101.25 14.39 14.39
3 Arunachal Pradesh 0.36 0 8.72 0.56
4 Assam 8.17 125.95 94.69 17.74
5 Bihar 12.53 101.88 319.98 206.65
6 Chandigarh 2.48 3.99 4.4 1.89
7 Chhattisgarh 20.26 52.93 9.66 38.66
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.76 1.47 0.3 1.71
9 Daman & Diu 0.29 1.04 0.04
10 Goa 1.07 1.4 0.12 0.73
11 Gujarat 59.59 102.68 - 23.16
12 Haryana 36.75 65.87 7.36 30.01
13 Himachal Pradesh 17.94 33.69 7.73 12.9
14 Jammu and Kashmir 8.28 30.12 7.5 33.72
15 Jharkhand 14.53 63.38 16.27 58.39
16 Karnataka 63.62 119.53 37.92 72.01
17 Kerala 35.14 64.19 15.29 37.67
18 Ladakh - - 0.76 0.25
19 Lakshadweep 0.04 0.18 0.06 0.08
20 Madhya Pradesh 185.81 285.16 62.78 107.62
21 Maharashtra 117.96 294.14 113.11 67.87
22 Manipur 0.75 4.12 6.48 1.15
23 Meghalaya 1.02 4.21 5.08 0
24 Mizoram 2.95 8.12 5.46 0.56
25 Nagaland 0.52 2.67 1.39 0.59
26 NCT Of Delhi 7.96 26.88 5.46 21.82
27 Odisha 3.83 - - 0
28 Puducherry 0.64 1.6 0.85 2.39
29 Punjab 11.41 35.54 12.79 14.71
30 Rajasthan 96.05 96.52 100.02 54.1
31 Sikkim 0.21 0.88 0.57 0.21
32 Tamil Nadu 6.58 46.21 93.39 17.51
33 Telangana 3.85 0 - 0
34 Tripura 0.96 5.29 7.55 3.02
35 Uttar Pradesh 142.17 405.56 99.28 228.73
36 Uttarakhand 14.26 27.66 18.97 16.38
37 West Bengal 29.39 87.69 - 0
Total 1,049.56 2,203.04 1079.37 1088.36

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