(a) the names of the centrally sponsored schemes being run
by the Higher and Secondary Education Department in Jammu
and Kashmir;
(b) the number of proposals and projects relating to
education pending with the Central Government for the want
of clearance, received from the Government of Bihar and
Jammu and Kashmir;
(c) the time by which the decision is likely to be taken
(d) the grants provided to the State Government for various
educational projects, State-wise alongwith the names of
these projects;
(e) the targets fixed and the extent to which these have
been achieved, Scheme-wise;
(f) whether the Government is satisfied with the
achievement made vis-Ã -vis targets;
(g) if so, the reaction of the Government in this regard;
(h) whether the Government monitor utilization of grants;
(i) if so, the details thereof?