Question : Skill Development Programme for NER

(a) the details of schemes launched/ formulated by the Government for skill development and generation of employment for youth of North Eastern Region (NER), State-wise;

(b) the details of targets fixed and persons skilled during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise and scheme-wise; and

(c) the funds allocated, released and utilized for the purpose during the said period?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c) There are 12,106 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) (Govt.- 2,285 and Private- 9,821) operational under the Directorate General of Training (DGT) which are the Primary Institutions for skilling in the Country. In the North Eastern States, there are 80 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) (72 Government and 8 Private) involved in skill development as per details given below:-

Sl. No. Name of State/UTs Number of Govt. ITIs Number of Pvt. ITIs Total ITIs
2 ASSAM 30 4 34
3 MANIPUR 7 0 7
5 MIZORAM 1 0 1
6 NAGALAND 8 0 8
7 SIKKIM 4 0 4
8 TRIPURA 12 1 13
TOTAL 72 8 80

Further, Government has formulated a scheme namely “Enhancing Skill Development Infrastructure in NE States & Sikkim” to enhance the existing infrastructure of skill development in North Eastern states of the country. The State-wise details of this scheme are at Annexure.

Besides, the Government has setup the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) as a public private partnership entity to promote private training providers to setup Skill Development centres across the country. As on 30th June, 2015, the 211 NSDC affiliated training partners, have 3669 operational training centres, including 745 mobile centres with coverage across the Country including 109 training centres (Fixed-98 and Mobile-11) in North Eastern States as per break-up given below:-

S. N. Name of State(s) Training Centres
Fixed Mobile
1 Assam 53 09
2 Manipur 01 01
3 Meghalaya 15 --
4 Mizoram 01 --
5 Nagaland 11 --
6 Sikkim 09 --
7 Tripura 08 01
Total 98 11

Furthermore, there are over 70 skill development schemes across various sectors implemented by over 20 Central Ministries/Departments for skill development across the Country. Funds under these schemes are provided by the concerned Ministries/Departments to the implementing agencies including States under the guidelines issued for the schemes. The annual targets and achievements for skill training under these skill development schemes/programmes for the year 2012-13 to 2014-15 are as under:-
(figures in lakhs)
Year Annual targets for training of persons under skill development programmes Number of persons trained
2012-2013 72.51 51.88
2013-2014 73.43 76.37
2014-2015 105.08 76.12


Details of the scheme ‘Enhancing Skill Development Infrastructure in North Eastern States and Sikkim’

The scheme was formulated in 2011 at a total of Rs. 57.39 crore to enhance the existing infrastructure of skill development in North Eastern States. The scheme is aimed for up-gradation of 20 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) by introducing three new trades per ITI and Supplementing Infrastructure deficiencies in 28 ITIs by constructing new hostel, boundary wall and supplementing old and obsolete tools and equipment.

Scheme will continue up to 31st March 2017 at a revised cost of Rs. 298.13 crore with new component for “establishment of 22 ITIs” in 8 North-eastern States.

The scheme has provision for Central assistance to States in following four components:

1. Up-gradation of 20 ITIs by introducing three new trades per ITI;
2. Supplementing infrastructure deficiencies in 28 ITIs by constructing new hostel, boundary wall and supplementing old and obsolete tools and equipment;
3. Funding Monitoring Cells at Central & State Level; and
4. Establishment of 22 New ITIs in 8 States

State-wise break-up of new ITIs to be established and fund released so far:
S. l. State No. of new ITIs to be established Fund (Rs. in lakh) released so far for
Up-gradation New ITI SPMU* Total
1 Arunachal Pradesh 4 757.00 723.15 36.18 1516.33
2 Nagaland 2 1189.47 551.55 36.98 1778.00
3 Sikkim 1 308.20 342.70 29.80 680.70
4 Manipur 2 928.46 241.05 8.68 1178.19
5 Mizoram 3 483.48 839.30 22.94 1345.72
6 Meghalaya 2 256.36 241.05 6.18 503.59
7 Assam 5 435.35 964.20 21.58 1421.13
8 Tripura 3 291.38 932.10 21.58 1245.06
Total 22 4649.70 4835.10 183.92 9668.72
* SPMU - State Project Monitoring Unit

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