(a) the details of the functions of the Sahitya Akademi;

(b) the number of programmes organized by the Akademi from 1.01.2004 to 30.09.2008 and the details of the expenditure incurred thereon;

(c) whether the Akademi gives grant to the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs) for promotion of India language and literature;

(d) if so, the number of NGOs given grant from 01.01.2004 to 30.09.2008 and the amount thereof; and

(e)the basis on which this grant has been given?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As per clause 3 (b) of the Constitution of Sahitya Akademi, the functions of the Akademi are, as under :-

(i) to promote co-operation among men of letters for the development of literature in Indian languages;

(ii) to encourage or to arrange translations of literary works from one Indian language into others and also from non-Indian into Indian languages and vice-versa;

(iii) to publish or to assist associations and individuals in publishing literary works including bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, basic vocabularies etc. in various Indian languages;

(iv) to sponsor or to hold literary conferences, seminars and exhibitions on all-India or regional basis;

(v) to award prizes and distinctions and give recognition to individual writers for out- standing work;

(vi) to promote research in Indian languages and literature;

(vii) to promote the teachings and study of regional languages and literature in areas beyond their own;

(viii) to encourage propagation and study of literature among the masses;

(ix) (a) to improve and develop the various scripts in which the languages of the country are written;

(b) to promote the use of Devanagari script and to encourage publication in that script of select books in any Indian language;

(c) to publish, if found necessary, standard books of one Indian language in the scripts of other languages;

(x) to promote cultural exchanges with other countries and to establish relations with international organisations in the field of letters;

(xi) to receive grants, bequests and other donations, to purchase land, own property of all kinds and to maintain, sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of it in furtherance of its works; and

(xii) to do all such other acts and things whether incidental to powers aforesaid or not as may be required in order to further its objects

(b) The number of programmes organized and the details of expenditure incurred thereon by the Sahitya Akademi from 01.01.2004 to 30.09.2008 are as follows :-

Year No. of Programmes Expenditure incurred held (Rs. in Lakhs)

2003-04 209 102.55

2004-05 203 100.20

2005-06 222 175.00

2006-07 202 211.00

2007-08 310 230.00

2008-09 210 240.00

(up to 30/9/08)

(c) to (e) The Akademi does not have a scheme of giving grants to NGOs. However, it does support other literary organisations/NGOs by way of sponsoring writers/scholars or collaborating in organising the literary programmes on the basis of literary standing of the concerned organisation.