Question : Skill Development of Women

(a) whether the schemes / programmes being implemented by the Government for skill development of women to increase their employability in the country has achieved the desired results in the country during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT wise and Scheme/Programme wise ;
(b) if so, the details thereof, State/UT wise and if not, the reasons there for;

(c) whether the cases of irregularities/corruption in implementation of the said schemes in the country have come to the notice of the Government during this period;

(d) if so, the details thereof, State/UT wise and Scheme/Programme wise along with the action taken/being taken by the Government in such cases so far ; and

(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government for effective implementation of said schemes/programmes and to increase their coverage in the country?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) (2016 - 2020) is the flagship outcome-based skill training scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). The objective of PMKVY (2016-2020) is to encourage and promote skill development for the youth including women throughout the country. The Scheme aims to enable and mobilize a large number of youth to take up industry designed quality skill training, become employable and earn their livelihood, increase productivity of the existing workforce and align skill training with the actual needs of the country. PMKVY has provisioned financial payout specifically to women in the form of conveyance and post placement support, to facilitate and motivate them to complete training.

As on 30.11.2018, 15,80,968 women have been enrolled under PMKVY, 15,24,927 trained, 12,67,348 certified and 5,44,903 have been placed ( the numbers are inclusive of Short Term Training (STT), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and trainings through Special Project. The State-wise count of female trained, certified and placed in last 3 years and the current year under PMKVY-2 for STT, RPL and Special Projects is provided at Annexure-1.

(c) & (d) Monitoring activities under PMKVY (2016-2020) are being conducted as per the defined scheme guidelines. Proactive action is being taken by means of , various channels like Out Bound Dialing, Call Validation, and Surprise Visits etc to ensure compliance with the scheme guidelines. Also, in case of any complaint received from different channels like letter, email, grievance portal etc, the same is investigated using the above channels and appropriate action is taken accordingly. Action as per defined Monitoring Framework in the scheme guidelines and as per the approved penalty matrix is being taken against the non-compliant centers. In cases of severe non-compliance, the training center may be suspended for a period of six months. The consequences may also include enforcing of financial penalties on the non- complaint training centers. Details of the center and such complaints details are available on website link:-

(e) As on 30.11.2018, PMKVY has an outreach of over 600 districts which include 34 Left Wing Extremist affected districts and over 100 aspirational districts through its three formats of training i.e. Short Term Training, Recognition of Prior Learning and Special Project. Special efforts are also being made for greater outreach through Request for Proposal (RFP) mode. Under RFP, proposal is invited for target allocation with preference given to districts with absence /low skill center/ scheme penetration.

Annexure I

Short Term Training (STT) data for women candidates under PMKVY - referred to in reply to LSUQ No-1026 on Skill Development for Women raised by S/Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab, Sanjay Dhotre, Nihal Chand Rahul Shewale to be answered on 17.12.2018

State FY 2017 - 18 FY 2017 - 18 FY 2017 - 18
Trained Certified Trained Certified Trained Certified
Andhra Pradesh 460 45 25848 20039 10332 12097
Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 221 205
Assam 1018 291 15935 12182 7804 7182
Bihar 1307 390 26739 19576 14572 15463
Chandigarh 0 0 777 552 1952 1773
Chhattisgarh 19 0 11278 7884 9491 8527
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0 0 0 0 246 219
Daman and Diu 0 0 0 0 138 116
Delhi 1930 636 42575 32534 21276 22365
Goa 102 0 449 339 74 84
Gujarat 597 97 12490 9219 7539 7639
Haryana 975 54 78401 58045 21458 30098
Himachal Pradesh 14 0 6080 4414 8374 8323
Jammu and Kashmir 1550 461 23233 18912 9499 10547
Jharkhand 63 0 8965 6940 5838 5854
Karnataka 176 24 15708 10631 12177 12183
Kerala 363 83 11339 8020 6178 6278
Madhya Pradesh 2072 773 76627 56971 34334 40099
Maharashtra 1814 428 23928 17816 11987 11643
Manipur 200 82 842 441 602 534
Meghalaya 47 0 1658 1436 551 571
Mizoram 0 0 0 0 51 38
Nagaland 132 47 1172 957 344 288
Odisha 535 122 19877 14147 8985 9633
Puducherry 0 0 1474 1202 772 826
Punjab 433 108 54560 41582 24199 29906
Rajasthan 1345 342 80114 62182 16303 24044
Sikkim 0 0 291 258 129 123
Tamil Nadu 1014 202 67984 50037 26026 30202
Telangana 750 157 39074 30980 12340 14961
Tripura 13 0 3755 2504 1089 1547
Uttar Pradesh 3769 1205 121121 87526 42535 52670
Uttarakhand 1278 211 14521 10397 9300 9643
West Bengal 2705 959 32040 25059 16165 16478
Grand Total 24681 6717 818855 612782 342881 392159

(Recognized Prior Learning (RPL) data for women candidates under PMKVY - referred to in reply to LSUQ No-1026 on Skill Development for Women S/Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab, Sanjay Dhotre, Nihal Chand Rahul Shewale to be answered on 17.12.2018

Financial Year wise and State wise women data for RPL PMKVY 2016-20 till 30.11.18
State Name FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19, (till Nov.’18)
Enrolled Certified Enrolled Certified Enrolled Certified
Andhra Pradesh 3951 2057 1259 1650 1030 264
Assam 4048 3148 6722 6918 2753 2856
Bihar 1637 465 5108 2274 2642 4121
Chandigarh 0 0 223 170 59 55
Chhattisgarh 0 0 183 109 131 59
Daman and Diu 0 0 20 9 26 26
Delhi 768 51 5090 3449 4654 3565
Gujarat 1766 98 998 1594 2667 446
Haryana 1177 59 6812 6288 2632 1825
Himachal Pradesh 498 0 1082 867 198 61
Jammu and Kashmir 0 0 345 167 209 150
Jharkhand 377 128 216 328 382 227
Karnataka 6431 70 13678 14290 1175 2938
Kerala 2834 1509 25685 15414 5550 5895
Madhya Pradesh 2598 519 3787 4150 1445 1156
Maharashtra 1066 37 11828 8471 3874 2352
Manipur 7936 5637 2552 4834 0 0
Meghalaya 0 0 44 44 1758 776
Odisha 1701 79 3281 3350 2469 911
Puducherry 460 294 1 13 0 0
Punjab 113 8 3256 2283 2802 683
Rajasthan 2269 190 8489 7376 7918 1555
Tamil Nadu 31142 12412 19909 21766 6997 8946
Telangana 576 75 5353 4096 784 712
Tripura 907 0 1301 1570 0 558
Uttar Pradesh 18313 5438 28541 31668 4362 2751
Uttarakhand 150 43 261 283 264 118
West Bengal 1764 956 6374 5301 1614 1642
Arunachal Pradesh NA NA 994 945 2257 2181
Dadra and Nagar Haveli NA NA 21 14 415 144
Goa NA NA NA NA 0 0
Nagaland NA NA 0 0 50 50
Mizoram NA NA NA NA 510 503
NA NA NA NA 558 488
Grand Total 92482 33273 163413 149691 62185 48014
* Note 1: NA - Data not provided

(SPA) - 1 referred to in reply to LSUQ No-1026 on Skill Development for Woman raised by S/Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab, Sanjay Dhotre, Nihal Chand Rahul Shewale to be answered on 17.12.2018

Special Projects data (2016-20) for Women candidates under PMKVY

State Name FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19, (till Nov.’18)
Trained Certified Reported Placed Trained Certified Reported Placed Trained Certified Reported Placed
Andhra Pradesh NA NA NA 8 2 0 142 114 76
Arunachal Pradesh NA NA NA 16 14 0 0 0 8
Assam NA NA NA 51 51 0 270 81 0
Bihar NA NA NA 240 0 0 653 762 0
Delhi 128 86 0 1144 747 542 2061 1324 577
Gujarat 0 0 0 1460 906 76 2298 2199 1225
Haryana 216 0 0 640 676 224 1059 320 0
Jammu and Kashmir NA NA NA NA NA NA 52 49 0
Jharkhand NA NA NA NA NA NA 136 130 74
Karnataka NA NA NA 1109 693 86 2774 2250 1824
Kerala NA NA NA NA NA NA 140 118 0
Madhya Pradesh 14 0 0 4543 3323 495 1855 2065 1270
Maharashtra NA NA NA 1677 418 0 93 2473 0
Mizoram NA NA NA NA NA NA 54 54 0
Nagaland NA NA NA 91 21 0 69 27 2
Odisha NA NA NA 5 5 0 951 674 42
Puducherry NA NA NA NA NA NA 17 17 0
Punjab NA NA NA NA NA NA 330 97 10
Rajasthan NA NA NA 17 11 0 385 130 0
Tamil Nadu NA NA NA 3588 2781 2461 3193 3322 2126
Telangana NA NA NA 159 132 102 199 219 163
Tripura NA NA NA 342 323 264 0 68 0
Uttar Pradesh NA NA NA 152 100 4 777 725 122
Uttarakhand NA NA NA NA NA NA 49 26 0
West Bengal NA NA NA 95 66 0 190 123 69
Grand Total 358 86 0 15337 10269 4254 17747 17367 7588
* Note 1: NA - Data not provided

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