Question : National Voters Day

(a) whether the Government has observed National Voters Day, if so, the details of the theme of the event along with the programmes/events organized by the Government on this occasion;
(b) whether the Government has launched awareness programme to enroll more and more eligible youth in the voters list and if so, the details thereof ;
(c) the details of eligible youths enrolled in the voter list during each of the last three years and the current year;
(d) the challenges faced by the government while enrolling eligible youths in the voters list; and
(e) whether the number of women on the Electoral Roll of the country is far less than men and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor along with the corrective steps taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a), (b) and (d): The Election Commission of India (ECI) has stated that the ECI organises National Voters Day every year on 25th January. The relevant information is enclosed at Annexure-I & Annexure-II.

(c): The details of electors of 18-19 years age group enrolled during summary revision of electoral rolls of last three years. (i.e. SSR, 2020, 2021 & 2022), as furnished by the ECI are enclosed at Annexure-III.
(e): As per the ECI, the finally published electoral roll, 2022 (w.r.t. 01.01.2022 as the qualifying date), the total number of electors in India is 95,24,81,459 (Annexure-IV). Out of this, the total number of male electors is 49,18,60,931 (51.64%) and the total number of female electors is 46,05,74,630 (48.35%). Further, as per the Projected Population, 2022 (as per data received from States), the percentage of male and female population are approx. 51% and 49% respectively. This indicates that enrolment of female electors in electoral roll is in the lines of census gender ratio. The Gender ratio in electoral roll has been maintained and is in the same proportion as their share in total population. There is no question of lesser enrolment of women in electoral roll and therefore, no corrective steps seems required to be taken.


National Voters’ Day’’ (NVD) is celebrated on January 25 every year since 2011. This day also marks the Commission’s foundation day in 1950. In its twelfth year, the theme for NVD 2022 was, ‘’Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative’’. It envisaged focus on ECI’s commitment to facilitate active participation of voters during the elections and to make the complete process hassle free and a memorable experience for all categories of voters. The strategic framework for accessible and inclusive elections is planned to sensitize voters through education and training, community involvement of different sections of society, effective partnership with institutions and the creation of facilities to cater to the public needs of persons with disabilities (PwDs) with a view to increasing their participation in the electoral process.
Instructions to the Chief Electoral Officers (CEOs) were shared regarding celebration of NVD across the states and UTs up to booth level focussing on the theme of ‘’Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative” keeping in mind the COVID appropriate behaviour and guidelines in place. Various events/programmes across States/UT’s were organized. Key features of the same are highlighted as under: (Detailed instructions may be seen at Annexure-A).
On similar lines, the Chief Secretaries of the State & UTs were directed regarding the administration of NVD pledge across offices of the state government.
Further, a video recording of Chief Election Commissioner’s message on the eve of NVD is also sent to the Chief Election Officers of all the States/UTs. The same was suitably disseminated for NVD function up to the BLO level through various social media platforms.
On the day of NVD i.e. 25th January 2022, Election Commission of India launched a publication ‘Leap of Faith: Journey of Indian Elections’. The book narrates India''s electoral history and the growth of representative and electoral principles in India as it evolved from the nineteenth to twenty first century.
Another Publication ‘Pledging to Vote – A Decadal Journey of The National Voters’ Day in India’ was also released. The book presents the journey of National Voters’ Day celebrations by ECI from Diamond Jubilee celebration onwards.
A national voter awareness contest was also launched on the same day - ‘My Vote is my Future- Power of One Vote’. The aim here was to reiterate the importance of every vote through creative expression.
National Awards for the Best Electoral Practises for the year 2021-22 were conferred on State and District level officers for their outstanding performance in the conduct of elections in different spheres such as IT initiatives, Security Management, Election Management, Accessible Elections and contribution in the field of voter awareness and outreach. National Awards were also conferred to important stakeholders like government departments, ECI icons and media groups for their valuable contribution towards voters’ awareness. During the function, newly enrolled voters were felicitated and handed over their Elector Photo Identity Card (EPIC) by the chief guests.

Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 110 001

No. 491/ECI/LET/FUNC/SVEEP-I/NVD/2021 Dated:11thJanuary, 2022

The Chief Electoral Officers of
all States & UTs

Sub: - National Voters’ Day (25th January) 2022 - reg.


I am directed to state that the 12th National Voters’ Day shall be celebrated across the country at State, District and Booth level on 25th January 2022. The Theme for the 12th NVD is ‘Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative.’
You are requested to steer the NVD celebrations with wide publicity on the above mentioned theme. The functions around NVD should be celebrated keeping in mind the COVID appropriate behaviour and guidelines in place. All efforts should be made to celebrate the festival in an Online mode.
The NVD celebrations in the State, as in the past, shall include the following components in addition to already existing plan at the CEO and the DEO level.
Comprehensive Communication plan:
• Various events/ programmes across the state shall be organised focussing on the above mentioned theme. Further a comprehensive communication plan shall be developed by issuing necessary Print, TV, Radio advertisements, social media campaigns, field programmes and interpersonal communication (as per Covid norms), webinars/ seminars etc.
• Propagation of NVD theme through various Government schemes and programs.
• The NVD theme & related messages in the form of posters and banners should be prominently displayed in the offices of the CEO, DEO, ERO and the VFCs.
• A Print Advertisement shall be brought out on 25th January highlighting the theme.
Engagement with state/ district Icons:
• The State/ District Icons may be engaged (through recording of audio-video messages) to spread awareness, about the Commission’s initiatives towards making elections inclusive, accessible and participative.
• All States/UTs should take appropriate efforts to nominate inspiring and non partsian personalities from all walks of life to be the Election Icon. Persons with disabilities, senior citizens, transgender and personalities from other marginalized sections shall be encouraged.
Partnership and Collaborations:
• The CEOs/ DEOs shall ensure partnerships and collaborations with various Government departments such as banks, Post offices, Railways, Panchayati Raj institutions, Civil Bodies etc.
• The Corporate bodies, Civil Society Organisations and others may be engaged with, for organising various events like competitions (essay, debate etc), webinars etc in the run upto the NVD.
• Also various departments/ organisations/ bodies may be encouraged to administer NVD pledge on the National Voters’ Day, and the same may be uploaded on their social media handles/ website using hashtag #NVD2022.
Social media engagement activities:
• CEO/ DEO office may engage with various social media agencies, to create and develop the creative content for the NVD and get it uploaded on their respective social media handles.
• All the activities, by various departments/ organisations etc. to be uploaded on their respective social media handles.
• The hashtag #NVD2022 could be used while uploading the content on the social media accounts.
1. Key Activities: All SVEEP activities related to NVD must be conducted in an Online mode as per COVID appropriate behaviour and guidelines/norms in place.
a) Activities at Booth Level:
i. The Booth Level Officers (BLOs) to organise an event (Online mode) at each polling station area and shall felicitate newly registered voters appropriately, also hand over the EPIC to new electors.
ii. Video and other creatives to be shared extensively with all the households/ participants through WhatsApp groups and other media. Further other awareness films/ material as prepared by State or District on Postal Ballot, Assured Minimum facilities at Polling Stations, EVM/VVPAT, Voter Helpline App, Ethical Voting etc. can also be shown at the ceremony, in local languages. Please note that creatives are to be made available in accessible formats, in line with the current theme of NVD to make the information available to all stakeholders.
iii. Further NVD pledge to be administered to all the people present during the event, through an Online mode. Further the copy of the pledge also to be circulated over Whatsapp groups.
iv. DEO may provide the logistics required for the brief ceremony in each polling station area.
b) Activities at District HQs:
i. The DEO shall organise the NVD function, in an Online mode, at the District headquarters in association with various institutions/ organisations such as Panchayat Raj institutions, Academic institutions, Civil Society groups, organisations of youth volunteers like NSS, NCC, Scouts & Guides, NYKS, media etc.
ii. Newly registered voters shall be facilitated by handing over the EPIC Card during NVD function.
iii. Further NVD pledge to be administered to all the people present during an Online event. Also the pledge to be circulated over whatsapp groups.
iv. Awareness films on Postal Ballot facility, Assured Minimum Facilities, EVM VVPAT, Assured Minimum facilities at Polling Stations, EVM/VVPAT, Voter Helpline App, Ethical Voting etc. in local language shall be shown. Creatives to be made available in accessible formats, in line with the current theme of NVD to make the information available to all stakeholders.
v. These material to be shared through WhatsApp group of various stakeholders.
c) Activities at State HQs:
i. CEO organizes NVD function at the State capital, in association with Media, Civil Society, Volunteer Groups, State Administration, State Election Commission & Corporates etc.
ii. Awareness films on Postal Ballot facility, Assured Minimum Facilities, EVM VVPAT, Assured Minimum facilities at Polling Stations, EVM/VVPAT, Voter Helpline App, Ethical Voting etc. in local language shall be shown and distributed over WhatsApp groups.
iii. Newly registered voters shall be facilitated by handing over the EPIC Card during NVD function.
iv. Further NVD pledge to be administered to all the people present during the event (Online/ offline as per Covid norms).
v. Sign Language Interpreters to be deployed during the function in accordance with the present theme. The venue of the NVD functions to be made accessible as far as possible.
vi. Necessary advertisement in print / electronic media to be issued, along with hoardings and banners across different locations across the state.
vii. Deployment of dedicated staff at Block, Sub-division and District levels may be done to effectively undertake NVD related activities as directed. BLOs shall be trained about their role for NVD activities by the EROs/AEROs, as directed.
As the theme of the NVD, this year, is making elections inclusive, accessible and participative, it is expected that events would be organised by involving PwDs, Women, Senior citizens and Vulnerable sections of the society. Further, efforts should be made to popularise PwD app through various CSOs working in the field. Also awareness regarding Assured Minimum Facility & Postal ballot provision would be ensured, through various events. Looking into the ongoing pandemic, efforts should be made to conduct all events through an Online platform. Offline Events, if any, shall be conducted at accessible venues and sign language interpreters must be engaged to reach out to all stakeholders.
The preparations for the NVD may be closely monitored by the office of the CEO/DEOs. All COVID protocols issued by statutory authorities must be strictly followed.

Yours Sincerely,


Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation'', also known by the acronym SVEEP, is ECI’s flagship program to achieve this overarching goal of Electoral Participation. It has three primary objectives increasing electoral participation, promoting ethical and informed voting and continuous electoral education. It is ECI''s constant endeavour that every election is free, fair, accessible, participative and inclusive.
As part of ECI''s advance planning, much ahead of election, a baseline Knowledge Attitude and Practices (KAP) Survey is conducted in order to identify and assess gaps if any. This also helps to build in state wise, district wise, constituency wise and booth wise SVEEP strategies since there cannot be any one size fits all approach to this issue considering the myriad socio economic, geographical and ethnic diversities in India.
Enrolment of voters and purification of electoral roll is a major component of the SVEEP program. Special campaigns are launched before election for citizens to verify their names in the electoral roll, make changes in particulars, new registration and corrections. VVIP programme was one such elaborate program undertaken through multiple channels in order to correct and update the electoral roll. Besides this, the Commission also encourages use of the digital initiatives like NVSP and Voter Portal for easy registration and access to voter services at the click of a button. 1950 -single, unified Help line was also strengthened and made a significant part of SVEEP creatives and advertisements to reach out to the maximum number of people.
As a part of Special Summary Revision 2022 following measures were taken: Detailed instructions to CEOs at Annexure-C.
1. Print Advertisements have been issued across the country through CEO offices and ECI as well.
2. An elaborate Electronic campaign on TV and Radio and 3600 communication through different media vehicles was carried out by CEO/DEO offices, across the country in respective of languages
3. Video Messages from State Icons and dedicated social Media Posts were uploaded on the Digital Media and promoted through a vast ECI network.
SVEEP undertakes its campaigns based on an understanding of differential perspectives and requirements of diverse set of people Hence, several campaigns are targeted at the youth, women, persons with disabilities, service voters, overseas voters and many others in order to foster a vibrant interaction with the youth and future voters, campus ambassadors are appointed ECI also partners with Universities, CSOs, NSS, NYKS in order to have a constant engagement with the youth Appreciating that the idea of civic responsibility must be inculcated young, ECI has also developed a repository of children''s material in the form of Chunav ki kahahniyan, cartoon strips and the recently launched Chalo Karen Matdaan which was developed in collaboration with Amar Chitra Katha.
ECI appoints National and State SVEEP icons personalities whose inspiring life stories motivate the voters with their dedication, commitment and enthusiasm. Icons like Dr Nirukumar, Mary Kom record their messages to the people which are beamed across various mediums to encourage people to come out to vote.
Electoral literacy clubs have emerged as a powerful medium of connecting to the young voters. ELCs focus on participatory activities, games, films etch in order to familiarize students with the electoral process, instill the ideas of ethical and informed voting and ensure a wholesome citizenship participation till now more than 7.40 lakh ELCs have been established in the country

ECI also comes out with several publications which carry stories from the field, election accounts and tales of grit and determination of polling officials, responses of voters pictures and photographs which convey more than words could of the enthusiasm of the voters from the length and breadth of the country. My vote matters is one such publication which carries articles on various themes of contemporary interest and stories from the states.
Further initiatives on SVEEP programme provided in Annexure-B.

Annexure B
SVEEP is designed according to the socio-economic, cultural and demographic profile of the state as well as history of electoral participation in previous rounds of elections. SVEEP works on the three pronged strategy of Information, Motivation & Facilitation (IMF). The core interventions like Situation Analysis through Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Surveys and existing data, chalking out targeted interventions, both communication and facilitation related, monitoring and evaluation, some of the recent and past initiatives taken up are as follows:
1. Recently Launched initiatives

a) Letter to New Voters: The Commission in the year 2021 has taken an initiative to connect with the youth by providing a specially deigned EPIC kit on their enrolment. The Commission has directed all DEOs to issue a personalized letter along with Voter Id card to newly enrolled electors. This will also include a Voter Guide and a Pledge.

The Commission has designed this letter along with a Voter Guide giving out complete details of the Voting Process, EVM & VVPAT Information, COVID Protocols & BLO details among other important information. It also includes a feedback option to receive first hand inputs from young voters.
b) National Voter Awareness Contest: On the occasion of 12th National Voters’ Day, the Election Commission of India launched a national voter awareness contest – “My Vote is My Future- Power of On Vote” to reiterate the importance of every vote through creative expression.
The National Voter Awareness Contest by the Election Commission of India’s SVEEP (Systematic Voters'' Education and Electoral Participation) program taps into the talent and creativity of people, while also strengthening democracy through their active involvement. Open to all age groups, the contest aims at celebrating ideas and content curated on the theme of the importance of every single vote in a democracy. The national contest has five categories of contest – Slogan writing, song composition, video making, poster design and Quiz Contest.
c) Pocket size- Voter Guide Booklet: A pocket size version of the voter guide is being provided to every household in Poll Going States for ease of information on election related queries like searching name in the voter list, information on EVM-VVPAT, helpline numbers, Assured Minimum Facilities at polling stations and COVID safety measures amongst others.

d) Furthermore, with booth as the focal point for SVEEP strategy, the Commission has directed the states to strengthen Booth Level Action Plans and to conduct Minimum level of SVEEP activities to inform and educate all voters. This include explanatory information displays regarding EVM-VVPAT, Voter Registration, Ethical Voting & IT Apps at all polling stations and crowded locations in the assembly constituency. The efforts would be made to give a festival look to each polling station through a minimum level of décor. Low voter turnout Polling Stations have been identified with reasons for low turnout analyzed and targeted interventions planned in accordance to meet the objective of ‘No Voter to be Left Behind’
e) SVEEP 4.0 strategy Document: Systematic Voters’ Education & Electoral Participation (SVEEP) is a multi-intervention Programme that reaches out to educate citizens about the electoral process in order to increase their awareness & participation. With the national elections envisaged in 2024, the Commission is in the process of developing a SVEEP National Strategic Communication Roadmap (SVEEP 4.0) document. This strategy document will also guide the states to develop their next phase of State specific SVEEP Strategies and Action plans.

f) National Voters’ Day (NVD)celebration 2022 :- NVD which marks the Foundation Day of Election Commission of India, is celebrated on 25th January, every year. The celebrations take place at over ten lakh locations across the country, including polling stations areas, sub divisions, divisions, district and state headquarters. NVD was started in 2011 and since then, NVD has been institutionalized as an annual features to celebrate democracy and electoral participation in the country.

g) NVD 2022 celebrations at New Delhi:- In view of safety, NVD celebrations all over the country was a combination of both physical and virtual events. While Hon’ble Vice President Sh. M. Venkaiah Naidu was the Chief Guest, Union Minister for law and justice, Shri Kiren Rijiju graced the function as Guest of Honour during the NVD celebration in New Delhi. During the event National voter Awareness Contest was launched based on the theme of My Vote is My Future, Power of One Vote, with an aim at crowd sourcing innovative content from across the country while reiterating the importance of every single vote in a democracy. Besides ‘Leap of Faith’ journey of Indian Elections to mark the 75th year of India’s Independence and Pledging to Vote’ A Decadal Journey of the National Voters’ Day in India in India was launched which includes addresses of the dignitaries who have graced the occasion as the Chief Guest, Speeches of CECs, Messages, Curtain Raiser, Press note as well as the National Award winners over the years. National awards were also given by the Law Minister Sh. Kiren Rijiju to District Election Officers/ Superintendent of Police/Govt Depts/Media Agency for their significant contribution in the recent held elections in 2021. An interactive digital Multimedia Exhibition on the theme was also put up during the event.

2. Electoral Literacy Clubs:-

a) On the 8th National Voters’ Day of January 25, 2018, the Election Commission of India (ECI) took a landmark step towards the cause of electoral literacy with its initiative - ‘Mainstreaming of Electoral Literacy through Educational Institutions, Organizations and Communities in India’, under its Systematic Voters’ Education & Electoral Participation (SVEEP) Programme. Formed in schools & colleges (Electoral Literacy Clubs), Communities (Chunav Pathshalas) and organizations(Voter Awareness Forums) across the country, these clubs of learning taught the value of democracy and one’s role in it through hands on experience to develop and strengthen the culture of electoral participation. Till now 9,07,938 ELCs have been established across the country.

Revitalizing Electoral Literacy Clubs during Covid period through use of online mode of communication, is also a major focus of the Commission. With regards to the same, Guidelines for Online Activities at ELCs have been shared with State Chief Electoral Offices recently.
b) Voter Awareness Forums (VAFs): On lines of ELC in educational institutions and Chunav Pathshala in Communities, Voter Awareness Forums (VAFs) are informal forums for generating discussions and awareness around the electoral process, on the how, what and where of registration & voting through the medium of real-time activities. Through VAFs in Government Departments, Government and Non-government Organizations as well as in Corporates, Election Commission of India aims to spread voter awareness and facilitate voter education.
The activities of VAF shall be coordinated by Executive Committee. The Committee shall be elected by the members of the VAF. Existing Clubs like Recreation Club, Sports Club etc or similar bodies in an organization can also act as the Executive Committee of the VAF.
3. Publications
a) Leap of Faith: ‘Leap of faith : Journey of Indian Election’ is an offering from Election Commission of India to mark the 75th year of India’s independence. It narrates the story of election as an institution in India from the colonial times to 21st century. The title resonates well with the journey of elections in India-It was a ‘Leap of faith’ that India undertook in implementing universal adult franchise when barely one-fifth of her population was literate (1951), to present scenario (2020-21) when elections have been conducted safely and successfully amidst COVID pandemic.
Elections belong to all of us. This book will help readers to gain the perspective in ensuring free, fair, accessible, participative, festive, inclusive and accessible elections.
b) Pledging to Vote’ A Decadal Journey of the National Voters’ Day in India: pledging to Vote- A decadal Journey of NVD in India’ presents a vivid picture of NVD celebrations since its inception. It includes addresses of the dignitaries who have graced the occasion as the Chief Guest, speeches of Chief Election Commissioners, Messages, Curtain Raiser, Press Note as well as the National Award winners over the years. NVD’s Journey is a continuum as an integral part of electoral democracy in the country. The publication with its pictorials is sure to inspire all especially personnel who were as ‘Frontline Warriors’ of Electoral Democracy.
c) Crossing the Barriers:- Crossing the Barriers: Accessibility Initiatives 2021 takes the reader through the ‘Journey of Accessible Elections’ followed by ‘Ensuring COVID safe and inclusive elections through Postal Ballot. The chapters on ‘Guiding Principles’ and ‘Legislative Initiatives’, as also the ''Lok Sabha Elections 2019: Good Practices’ highlight multiple layers within the genre of Accessibility, that were explored by the ECI and the stakeholders for a participative and inclusive election. The book also showcases the ‘Accessibility initiatives taken up by states/UTs.. Moreover, the suggestions and recommendations by the Disability Sector and Civil Service Organizations (CSOs)/ NGOs all over India, on making the elections more accessible provide a comprehensive view, The last chapter on ‘way forward’ chalks out the strategy on accessible elections for future.

d) Amar ChitraKatha:Popularizing the importance of voting among the masses, an edutainment comic booklet, with an engaging narrative, graphic summary pages and quizzes and puzzles is being developed by Amar Chitra Katha on behalf of Election Commission of India. The comic book includes information provided in a story format to engage and interest readers of all age groups.
e) Chunav Ki Kahaniya:A set of 12 illustrated storybooks developed from real life stories of voters is to be published and distributed in ELCs and other institutions. These are also being popularized on major social media platforms like twitter, instagram and facebook. Adapted in to a storybook format.
f) NLU Report : A Joint Research Project of NLU-IIIDEM on ‘Electoral Literacy Project in India: Implementation, Assessment and Impact Analysis’ was conducted to analyse the policy, implementation and impact of Electoral Literacy Project in 3 states of West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Meghalaya. The first phase of the project is complete and based on its findings, the Commission will formulate strategic interventions to further expand the ELC program.

g) Belief in the Ballot : Belief in the Ballot is a book having 101 real Human Stories from Indian Elections, documenting the efforts of faceless, nameless and unsung heroes of the Indian elections. First volume was launched in the year 2017, followed by second volume, which was launched by the Hon’ble President during the NVD, 2020 function.

h) Coffee Table Book "Unfolding Indian Elections: Journey of the Living Democracy” :The book mainly is a collection of photographs - elections captured through the lens. It cover various aspects of the election process, from registration of names on electoral rolls to voting, from planning of elections to notification of polls, from training of personnels to voter education and awareness, from movement of election materials and personnel to setting up of polling stations, from nominations to announcement of results. First volume was launched in the year 2017. The second volume of Coffee Table Book was launched during 12th National Voters’ Day in the month of January, 2022.

i) VoICE Network, VoICE International and MY VOTE MATTERS:In congruence with the overall vision and spirit of the Network, the magazines serve as invaluable repositories on content pertaining to electoral literacy, voter information, communication and education, presenting in-depth articles, essays and academic work on special initiatives from member/associate EMBs and International Organizations.
VoICE International has covered themes as varied as- Empowering Young and Future Voters, Voter Education for Enhancing Gender Participation, Special Initiatives for Enhancing Participation of Persons with Disabilities, Enabling Overseas Electors and Service Voters and Using Digital Technology and Social Media for Voter Education. Additionally, the magazines covered a range of electoral events and happenings around the world and carried interactive content in the form of Quizzes and Glossary of Electoral Terms.
Serving as a vital repository of resources on electoral literacy, education, information and communication from around the world, the VoICE.NET portal presently bears new features (like the VoICE Box) and has been made more vibrant and dynamic. The portal is maintained and updated regularly by the SVEEP Division.

4. 360 Degree Media Communication

a) Hello Voters (Web Radio):The Hon’ble President of India officially launched the Hello Voters (Web Radio) on NVD 2021 to expand the scope of its digital outreach interventions. Witnessing a rapid shift towards greater reliance on digital media which got further accelerated after the onset of the COVID pandemic, web radio has also become very famous. The SVEEP Programme took notice of this change in media consumption pattern of a large section of the electorate and decided to seize the opportunity.
Web Radio ‘Hello Voters’ is an initiative of Election Commission of India, which is a 24x7 online web radio service will stream voter awareness programmes on the website of Election Commission of India. The edutainment programming style of Radio Hello Voters has been envisaged to match that of popular FM radio format and will include songs, drama, discussions, podcasts, spots, parodies etc. from different states from all over the country.
b) Voter Awareness Campaign through Community Radio Stations: ECI tried expanding its outreach by leveraging NIOS Community Radio through a series named ‘Mat Evam Matdan, Kare Loktantra Ka Nirman’ from June to November 2017. This series on elections was a joint initiative of ECI and NIOS-CR where different aspects of elections and the election processes would be explored. National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is an autonomous institution under Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Government of India and is the largest open schooling organization in the world.
Each of the one-hour episode was aired monthly and incorporated interviews/ panel discussion with expert(s) along with small snippets of different creatives developed by ECI to spread awareness on importance of elections such as songs, jingles, audio/ video plays, statements by icons, advertisements etc. This made the radio programme even more informative and interesting. Moreover, a question was posed at the end of each programme and first 25 correct entries were given a prize by Election Commission of India. The series was also aired from 167 community radios pan India through Federation of Community Radio Association (FCRS).
c) National Media Campaign:-For the first time, a comprehensive national media campaign was taken up for Lok Sabha 2019. Broadly all major topics were covered and after discussions and deliberation the theme of ‘celebration’ or ‘Maha tyohar’ was chosen. Based on past years’ experience including the KAP survey, messages were created around the 12 identified topics. A separate campaign targeting Persons with Disabilities was also planned to be disseminated in accessible format to cover all disabilities.
National campaign aimed at supplementing the campaign by CEOs and DEOs. Some states translated the national campaign content in regional language and disseminated, while many others developed their own campaign content more relevant to the audience.
d) Indian Railways Network: Going an extra mile, the Indian Railways and the Election Commission of India collaborated to vinyl wrap trains with the message #GoVote in Lok Sabha Election 2019. Thus, the north-south Kerala Express, Himsagar Express, east-west Guwahati Express and the Howrah Express, traversing the length and breadth of India were selected along with a host of regional trains like Jhelum Express, Konark Express and Diksha Bhumi Express to spread the message of voter awareness far and wide. The beautiful vinyl wrap showcased the national icons of ECI namely Aamir Khan, Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Mary Kom, state icons as well as common people, inspiring all to vote. Each train was flagged off by the concerned CEO/DEO at the stations it crossed as it chugged along with the message.
e) Workshop for Radio Jockeys (RJs): Election Commission of India had organized the workshop for Radio Jockeys (RJs) of leading FM channels including All India Radio and various private FM channels in the month of January, 2019. Total 19 Radio jockeys from major FM channels viz. Big FM, Red FM, Fever 104 FM, Radio Nasha, Ishq FM and Radio City attended 2 hours interactive session, where they participated in activities for dissemination of voter education.
The workshop is a part of the engagement taken up by the commission with the major stakeholders. FM radio is one of the important medium, which connects the voters with the election machinery. The workshop was organized to familiarize the Radio Jockeys with the election process so that they can help in wide and accurate dissemination of information to their listeners.
a) Red FM: A nationwide voter awareness and motivation campaign titled ‘Ab Watan Dabayega Button’ 93.5 RED FM was launched during Lok Sabha Election 2019. Several RED FM RJs were identified as Youth Ambassadors in their respective cities by State/UT CEO Offices and they were given trainings to share information about registration, doubts and queries to an audience of 14,21,000 listeners every day! RED FM also organized road shows, registration and awareness drives to promote voter awareness and collaborated with Red Bus to provide free travel vouchers to those travelling to their native place to vote.
b) Social Media: ECI forayed into social media in 2016, specifically for voter education. The experiment was slowly scaled up and in January 2018, ECI formally launched its official Facebook Page. A dedicated Twitter handle of the spokesperson to give updates to media already existed but otherwise there was no other presence on any other social media platforms. Ahead of Lok Sabha Election, the Commission launched the Twitter handle and Instagram page specifically for voter education and outreach. In LS 2019 election, the hashtag #GotInked was popularized with voters sharing their selfies with their inked fingers after casting their votes in LS 2019.
5. Other Novel Initiatives
a) e-EPIC:-The Hon’ble President of India officially launched the e-EPIC on National Voters Day (NVD) – 2021. It is a move by the Commission to provide ease of access to voters. E-EPIC is downloadable on mobile or in a self printable form on the computer. A voter can thus store it in his/her mobile, upload it in digi-locker or print it and self laminate it. This will initially be in addition to normal photo voter slips and the e-EPIC will have two QR codes: one with static data of photo and demography and the second with details of serial number part number, name of AC and address etc.

b) Inclusion of PwDs in the Electoral Process: Various measures have been taken up to facilitate participation of Persons with Disabilities in the electoral process. These include facilitation of PwDs at the polling station through ramps, volunteers, wheel chairs special arrangement etc.

Election Commission of India recently celebrated 12th National Voters Day on 25th January 2022. The theme for this year’s NVD is ‘Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative’, envisages focus on ECI’s commitment to facilitate active participation of voters during the elections and to make the complete process hassle free and a memorable experience for all categories of voters.

Also series of consultations for Inclusion of PwDs in the Electoral Process were conducted across the country- in Districts and States to identify barriers, challenges, and ways to overcome them and draft strategies to increase their participation. The 4th National Advisory Committee on Accessible Elections meeting was held recently as rechristened National Conference on Accessible Elections, 2021 on 21st September, 2021
To mark the completion of two years of Chairmanship of the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB), Election Commission of India organised an International Webinar on 26th November 2021 on the theme ‘Enhancing electoral participation of Women, Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) & Senior citizen Voters: Sharing Best
Practices and New Initiatives’.
The webinar was attended by over 100 delegates from 24 countries, 4 International organisations and 20 diplomats.

c) Targeting Service Voters: Consultations and meetings have been held with stakeholders since 2015 to enhance participation of Service Voters, mainly the defence and paramilitary personnel. A detailed SVEEP strategy was developed in 2017 for the Service Voters and interventions rolled out. Various wings of Armed Forces and Paramilitary have been coordinated with to monitor their part of the action plan. CEOs have rolled out the plan in respective cantonment areas to reach the target audience.
As an important component of the strategy, to promote electoral registration and voting through postal ballot by members of the Indian armed forces, an informative and motivational film was produced through NFDC. The film consists of vivid action-packed visuals which were shot at actual locations so that it resonates with the lives of armed personnel. There is an inspirational song with upbeat music towards the end of the film which has become very popular. Along with the film, an informative brochure and dedicated posters for different armed forces such as Coast Guards, Army, Navy, Air Force, CRPF etc. were also produced and dispatched to their centers in large numbers for dispersal.
d) Gaming and Voter Education:-While LS 2014 saw ECI venturing into edutainment for the first time through development of board games and computer games, second initiative in this direction was taken up when for Chunav Pathshala (ELC Community) it was decided to devise some floor games to engage rural community set of 6 floor games was developed with Lady Irwin College, Department of Development Communication & Extension, incorporating important learnings/messages.
e) Voter Verification and Information Programme (VVIP):- Election Commission of India launched a Voter Verification and Information Programme (VVIP) for citizens for verifications of their names, new registrations, changes in the voter details and corrections in the Voter Id Cards post General Elections 2019. ECI enabled various channels for this VVIP programme and also set up contact centers in all districts across India that were equipped with latest information and telecom infrastructure to help the callers.
f) SVEEP Kits:- These contain resource material such as guide books, booklets with motivating stories, distributed to SVEEP Nodal Officers for the purpose of dissemination in ELCs across the State and District. These kits will contain interesting games about elections and awareness as well.
g) Interactive School Engagement Programme:-The Interactive School Engagement (ISE) programme was the pre-cursor to the ELC project. ISE was conceptualized to target the future voters studying in schools so as to sensitize them about the electoral process in general and about the registration and voting procedure in particular. It was carried out in run-up to the National Voters’ Day 2017 which had the theme ‘Empowering Young and Future Voters’ and the same was the focus of the Commission for the year. ISE was also meant to provide a platform to connect future voters with the election machinery.

h) Topic on ‘Indian Elections’ launched on QuizUp App:-Empowering Young and Future Electors, ECI launched a new topic- Indian Elections, on the hugely popular gaming app- Quiz Up. The topic is available on the app for both Android and iOS users.

Millennium Voters Initiative :During the Summary Revision w.r.t. 1.1.2018, ECI took up a special drive to enroll the newly eligible voters, those in the age of 18-19 years. A unique concept was developed -Millennium Voters. Those born on 1st January 2000 and popularly termed Millennium babies turn eligible to become an elector in the ongoing Summary Revision of the Roll. 1.1.2018. These electors were termed Millennium Voters around 74K children are born every day. While encouraging the millennium individuals the campaign aimed to also attract others who are eligible to become electors especially in the 18-19 years age group, where on an average the enrolment remains below 40% of the eligible population. Identifying them through Panchayat Office records, Hospitals and Registrar/Sub Registrar (Birth & Death), DEO/CEO’s office also invited Millennium Individuals through their website, Social Media pages. Beginning with the first-stage identification, the subsequent campaign outreach involved micro-engagement initiatives including- Doorstep visit by Booth Level Officers (BLOs), issuing of EPICs and Millennium Voter badges on National Voters’ Day functions at the National, State and District Level, felicitating them with personalized certificates signed by the concerned DEO and involvement via social media.

By E-mail/Speed Post
Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001

No.491/ECI/LET/FUNC/SVEEP-I/SSR/2021 Dated: 2nd September, 2021
The Chief Electoral Officers of all States/UTs
Subject: SVEEP for Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls with reference to 1st January, 2022 as the qualifying date -regarding
I am directed to refer to the upcoming Special Summary Revision of electoral rolls with reference to 1st January 2022 as the qualifying date and convey that the Commission has directed that all CEOs should launch a comprehensive campaign for the universal enrolment of all eligible citizens and de-duplication of entries in the electoral roll by drawing up a plan of action, based on the following:
I. Overall Objectives:
a. EP ratio on the electoral rolls to match the 18+ population as per census
b. Gender ratio on rolls to match the gender ratio as per census
c. To increase enrolment of Service Personnel in the electoral roll
d. To increase enrolment of overseas Indian electors in the roll
e. Registration of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in the Electoral Roll to match with the census data of 18+ PwDs of each state
f. To increase the percentage of enrolment in the newly eligible 18-19 years age group from existing 50% to nearer 80%
g. Visible improvement in the enrolment of people from marginalised groups and communities (Inclusion)

II. Strategy and Implementation
A. Gaps at Micro-level and Targeted intervention
a) Analysis at AC and PS level - to detect gaps in enrolment
b) Identification of groups, communities as at I(g) above with lowest representation at AC/PS level
c) Utilisation of Electoral Literacy Clubs at schools, college level and community level
d) Actively participation of members of Voter Awareness Forums
e) Holding of regular press meets
f) Popularization of Voter Helpline Mobile App for online filling of application

B. Youth enrolment (including newly eligible)
a) Strengthening Campus Ambassadors system, providing a platform for exchange of information moderated by an official from CEO''s office.
b) Higher involvement of Nodal officers from Campuses in enrolment drive
c) Special drive for enrolment of non-student youth in this age-group
d) Coordinate with NSS and NYKS for reaching out to youth widely
e) Make ''Youth Voter Festival'' a part of the Calendar ahead of summary revision, in

C. Gender Gap
a) Coopting media and field formations to enroll women
b) Targeting young girls in educational institutions for enrolment with help of Campus Ambassadors
c) Targeting housewives and women engaged in labour in cities in factories, small industrial establishments, commercial establishments and textile mills.
d) Using SHGs and Cooperatives of women to spread awareness
e) Special camps for enrolment of women

D. Persons with Disabilities
a) Prepare database of PwDs and maintain the information in the BLO register on their disability to help in facilitation and facilitate their registration in the electoral roll
b) Special camp and campaign may be taken up to register PwDs and such camps widely publicised
c) Identify Community Radio networks or magazines, channels, etc for PwDs to partner. Use programmes on AIR, DD and private radio and Cable TV to reach out to
d) Identify credible CSOs working for PwDs and reach out through them
e) CEO and DEO Website have to be disabled friendly; adhere to Level AA of the Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines

E. Inclusion
a) Identify marginal groups and segments and their details within the Constituency
b) Design educational material for identified segments or groups like Migrant labourers, Sex workers, Third Gender, Homeless, Nomads etc
c) Identify credible CSOs and partners to reach out to the identified groups and segments
d) Outreach with help of partners with special registration camps
e) Design special awareness material for Tribal Communities in the region in their dialect

F. Service Electors
a) Special awareness and registration camps for Defence personnel disseminating information on enrolment as General or Service Voter
b) Training Nodal Officers from defence as Resource Persons for dissemination of information on the entire process of registration and voting
c) Special campaign for wives of service personnel
d) Tie up with local AIR and DD on their special broadcasts for Defence personnel to carry message on registration of service personnel; CEO can also have interactive sessions in these programmes

G. Overseas Indians
a) Target families having NRIs and promote registration of NRIs among them
b) Popularise NVSP link for online registration of NRIs
c) BLOS to share form 6A with families having a member who is NRI and familiarize them with NVSP portal.
III. Multi-Media Campaign
Error free roll, surrender of multiple entries and voter portal has to be widely publicized. Suitable multi-media content may be created to support the drive and for wide dissemination of information and publicity of dates of registration drive. Adequate content may be created on motivational aspects and disseminated to Districts for wider reach. Ready-made content from the SVEEP portal and also from Voter Education Channel, Hello Voter Programme and from CEO''s own archives may be used after due scrutiny of their local relevance and applicability.
It is made clear that Aadhar Collection is notamandatory. No voters will be denied any electoral service on the basis of non-availability of Aadhar. This should be made clear to all functionaries again.
IV. Developing Partnerships: To carry forward the SVEEP programme in relation to registration, partnerships may be strengthened with the following:

a) State Govt Departments j) Private Service providers like Airtel,
b) MCDs can be roped in Metros Vodafone etc.
c) Public Broadcaster, AIR and DD k) Theatres like PVR, Inox etc. and
d) Local Railways Shopping Malls
e) Airport Authority of India l) Private Media – TV Channels, FM
f) Educational Institutions Channels (big time), Newspapers
g) BSNL/MTNL m) Corporate Federations
h) Transport Department n) Individuals like celebrities, artists etc.
i) PSUs like Indian Oil, Bharat
Petroleum Banks

I. CEOs may ensure that an Addl/Jt CEO exclusively for SVEEP and a competent nodal officer in each district is in position as per directions given by the Commission time to time.

II. Action as directed above may be taken up on a most immediate basis for the Special Summary revision. A monthly reporting format for SSR 2021 is attached herewith which may be furnished to the Commission.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Yours Sincerely,

(Naresh Kumar)
Under Secretary

Copy to :-

1. PSO to CEC
2. PSO to EC (R)
3. PSO to EC (ACP)
4. PS to SG (US)
5. ER Division/All Zonal Sections

Monthly Reporting Format for SSR, 2021
(Report to be sent by all CEOs to SVEEP Division by 10th of every month from Sep, 2021 till the conclusion of SSR)

Name of the State : Date of Reporting :

1. Identification of low enrollment PS done. If yes numbers identified
2. Any steps taken to identify person with disability (PWDs) electors
3. Any Organisation/Agency partnered with for Summary Revision (PI specify)
4. Media in which publicity given to the following:
a. schedule of Summary Revision & date of eligibility for enrolment(1St January)
b. location of display of draft Roll including its availability on CEO''s website
c. Types of Forms for enrolment
d. Details of BLO/Know your BLO (Specify whether given in newspaper, radio, TV, SMS, email, website or in posters/pamphlets etc)

5. Total No of Media insertions at State level
a. In print(newspapers)
b. In TV
c. In Radio
d. Any other media (pl specify)
6. Total no of mobilization/special activities in the state

7. Has Youth Voter festival been undertaken in the state? If yes, how many institutes are participating
8. No of camps in the state
(PI specify nos and dates) Nos
9. How was the day and location of camp publicised
a) In print media
b) Electronic media
c) Interpersonal (door to door, mike announcement, prabhat pheri etc)
d) Any other (pl specify)
10. Were any camps held specially for any particular group/segment (e.g. service voters, NRls, or any other group) if yes pl specify
a) Has adequate awareness material been generated at the State level?
b) Has it been uploaded on the ECI SVEEP Portal (if not, pl ensure the same)

12. The most innovative activity/ies and intervention/s (pl specify)

CEO Signature :__________________________________

Data of 18-19 Age group electors for the period 2020-2022
S. No. Name of State/UT Summary Revision, 2020 Summary Revision, 2021 Summary Revision, 2022

1 2 3 4 5
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 1141236 283301 207893
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 19004 8751 13030
3 ASSAM 510064 420792 479133
4 BIHAR 714488 940090 680559
5 CHHATTISGARH 255842 182331 222073
6 GOA 22292 17795 26297
7 GUJARAT 901432 946298 1072950
8 HARYANA 269180 217754 191798
9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 109501 92289 100507
10 JAMMU & KASHMIR 182182 182182 182182
11 JHARKHAND 220724 170264 395790
12 KARNATAKA 747924 517241 401924
13 KERALA 315730 299528 255497
14 MADHYA PRADESH 1014426 881503 878026
15 MAHARASHTHRA 2035391 1297035 835833
16 MANIPUR 34923 33836 59491
17 MEGHALAYA 60050 69325 51717
18 MIZORAM 31588 41431 40871
19 NAGALAND 17129 15419 20525
20 ODISHA 542323 410077 523774
21 PUNJAB 210866 190021 278969
22 RAJASTHAN 828416 695016 1197416
23 SIKKIM 10844 9011 9073
24 TAMIL NADU 1191401 1309311 1053679
25 TELANGANA 290680 109733 136496
26 TRIPURA 69277 67626 67568
27 UTTARAKHAND 3309 77734 158008
28 UTTAR PRADESH 1469282 741742 1989902
29 WEST BENGAL 2119620 1991943 1769492
30 A & N ISLANDS 5782 8591 4152
31 CHANDIGARH 6559 8477 8937
32 DAMAN & DIU 9409 10744 2902
33 D & N HAVELI 11657 5009 9463
34 NCT OF DELHI 208883 125189 115146
35 LAKSHADWEEP 1374 643 1106
36 PUDUCHERRY 24406 29726 26873
TOTAL 15607194 12407758 13469052

Sl. No. Name of State/UT Total Number of Electors, 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 20134664 20597544 4071 40736279
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 409104 415881 0 824985
3 ASSAM 12019469 11755871 401 23775741
4 BIHAR 40234689 36256671 2740 76494100
5 CHHATTISGARH 9756399 9757411 741 19514551
6 GOA 562790 593968 4 1156762
7 GUJARAT 25113264 23386321 1288 48500873
8 HARYANA 10360869 8970911 403 19332183
9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2784318 2659552 17 5443887
10 JHARKHAND 12655095 11862234 276 24517605
11 KARNATAKA 26508428 26045263 4716 52558407
12 KERALA 13382344 14133612 281 27516237
13 MADHYA PRADESH 27863668 25828568 1352 53693588
14 MAHARASHTRA 47835098 43624645 3520 91463263
15 MANIPUR 1006151 1050542 208 2056901
16 MEGHALAYA 1032145 1053245 2 2085392
17 MIZORAM 409942 428545 0 838487
18 NAGALAND 637830 629276 0 1267106
19 ODISHA 16844163 16186021 3025 33033209
20 PUNJAB 11294654 10089283 695 21384632
21 RAJASTHAN 26670892 24414895 320 51086107
22 SIKKIM 226998 219262 2 446262
23 TAMIL NADU 31031387 32203245 7746 63242378
24 TELANGANA 15270591 15099229 1735 30371555
25 TRIPURA 1391839 1353988 35 2745862
26 UTTARAKHAND 4315684 3921902 300 8237886
27 UTTAR PRADESH 80739710 69835316 8853 150583879
28 WEST BENGAL 37911171 36502792 1642 74415605
29 A & N ISLANDS 163960 148300 11 312271
30 CHANDIGARH 335301 303821 23 639145
31 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 195534 181622 0 377156
32 UTs of JAMMU & KASHMIR AND LADAKH * 4109804 3740709 339 7850852
33 LAKSHADWEEP 28590 27679 0 56269
34 NCT OF DELHI 8148978 6761265 1032 14911275
35 PUDUCHERRY 475408 535241 120 1010769
GRAND TOTAL 491860931 460574630 45898 952481459
* Data of the year 2019, in respect of UTs of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.


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