Question : Cases Pertaining to Crime against Women

(a) the total number of crime against women case pending in Supreme Court, High Courts, Sub-ordinate Courts and Fast Track Courts along with the total number of cases disposed of during each of the last three years and the current year;

(b) the total number of Fast Track Courts functioning in the country for the purpose along with the number of such courts proposed to be set up, State-wise;

(c) the total number of criminal trials involving crime against women pending in these courts for want of cross examination of the prosecutrix ;

(d) the total number of such cases pending in which the victim turned hostile after initially supporting the prosecution; and

(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to prevent the delay in the cross examination of the prosecutrix so as to avoid scope for alleged tampering with evidences?

Answer given by the minister

(SHRI D.V. Sadananda Gowda )

(a): As per the reports published by National Crime Records Bureau, the cases reported and conviction rate in respect of crimes against women are as under:
Crime against women
Year Number of cases reported Conviction rate
1 2 3
2013 309546 22.4
2012 244270 21.3
2011 228650 26.9

(b): A statement indicating State-wise details of courts set up/designated for cases of crime against women is enclosed at Annexure I.

(c) and (d): Information is not maintained centrally.

(e): Attention of the Chief Justices of High Courts has been invited to the use of provisions under Sections 157, 309 & 327 of the Cr.P.C. with a view to examination of witnesses on a day to day basis, keeping adjournment at a bare minimum and expediting trial of cases involving heinous crimes such as rape. They were requested to impress upon the district judges to scrupulously adhere to these provisions in trial of cases involving heinous crimes such as rape and to conduct trials without adjournment as far as possible.

Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.1634for 30/07/2015 regarding Courts for women
Number of Courts set up/designated for crime against women

Sl. No. Name of the State Number of courts
1 2 3
1 Andhra Pradesh 24
2 Assam 3
3 Chhattisgarh 16
4 Chandigarh 01
5 Haryana 21
6 Jammu & Kashmir 5
7 Jharkhand 11
8 Karnataka 10
9 Kerala 1
10 Madhya Pradesh 50
11 Maharashtra 27
12 Meghalaya 1
13 Odisha 30
14 Punjab 20
15 Rajasthan 9
16 Sikkim 1
17 Tamil Nadu 32
18 Tripura 2
19 Uttar Pradesh 80
20 West Bengal 48
21 Delhi 6
Total 398

Note: 68 courts approved in Bihar.

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