(a) The state-wise details of Plan-targets and number of persons benefited (disbursed
loans) during the last three years i.e. 2001-02, 2002-03 and 2003-04 under the Pradhan
Mantri Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) are at Annexure-I.
(b) The obstacles in the way of its implementation are gap between number of
applicants sanctioned and disbursed loans, delay in sanction/disbursement of loans,
under-financing of proposals & insistence of collateral security by banks, delay in
completing pre-disbursement formalities by the beneficiaries etc. Several measures have
been taken to remove the obstacles in the implementation of PMRY e.g instructions to
the implementing agencies to complete the activities of sponsoring, sanctioning and
disbursement as per the prescribed quarterly schedule, convening District Industries
Centres (DIC) Task Force Committee Meetings at least once in a month, instructions to
fix area-wise minimum unit cost of the activity, non-insistence of collateral security as
per the prescribed guidelines, extending the cut off date for completion of disbursement
beyond the financial year etc.
(c) & (d) No irregularity has been found in the implementation of the PMRY
Statement referred in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 638 due for answer on 3.12.2004.
State/UT wise Taroets and achievement (number of person disbursed loans)
during the last three years I.e. 2001-02, 2002-03 & 2003-04 under the PMRY.
SI. States/UTs Plan No. of cases Plan No. of cases Plan No. of cases
No Target Disbursed Target Disbursed Target Disbursed (No.) by banks. (No.) bY banks. (No.) by banks.## (for 2001-02) (for 2002-03) (for 2003-04)
1 Haryana 4400 6600 4600 7008 4050 6662
2 Himachal Pr. 2600 2431 2700 2209 3200 2587
3 Jammu & Kashmir 1300 894 1400 605 1150 641
4 Punjab 4200 8147 4000 7771 4100 6715
5 Rajasthan 8200 12476 8300 12267 8100 9772
6 Chandigarh 100 128 300 47 300 60
7 Delhi 4600 632 4600 632 4400 740
8 Assam 6600 3605 6900 4149 6600 2313
9 Manipur 1100 252 1300 549 1200 435
10 Meghalaya 350 546 300 256 350 326
11 Nagaland 250 37 250 107 300 39
12 Tripura 800 981 700 1085 800 1968
13 Arunachal Pr. 150 507 150 294 200 319
14 Mizoram 250 52 250 155 200 772
15 Sikkim 50 38 50 26 100 29
16 Bihar 18000 8851 18100 7939 14400 8357
17 Jharkhand 3000 3882 2900 4354 5350 3894
18 Orissa 7050 5791 6850 6725 6600 3143
19 West Bengal 22000 2403 21100 2528 20000 2040
20 A & Nicobar 100 143 75 142 100 140
21 Madhya Pradesh 14100 17314 14300 16710 11750 13675
22 Chattisgarh 2500 2549 2250 3006 4600 2295
23 Uttar Pradesh 25100 37802 25450 38016 22950 35229
24 Uttaranchal 1000 3626 925 4683 1800 5038
25 Gujarat# 12150 8104 7950 7184 8650 5805
26 Maharashtra 22300 18904 22150 17631 22800 15859
27 Daman & Diu 50 8 50 2 50 3
28 Goa 500 164 500 274 400 117
29 D & N Haveli 50 10 50 10 50 0
30 Andhra Pradesh 16600 10799 17900 13632 18400 14463
31 Karnataka 10700 11428 10500 10026 10800 10729
32 Kerala 14700 9510 15250 9853 16250 11824
33 Tamil Nadu 18550 10051 17400 9595 19350 10033
34 Lakshadweep 50 25 50 10 50 17
35 Pondicherry 450 216 450 213 600 253
NOT SPECIFIED 954 828 808
ALL INDIA 223900 189860 220000 190521 220000 177100
Source: RBI data
# Additional target of 4000 for Gularst during 2001-2002 for earthquake affected districts
## The last date for dlsburssment had been extended to 15-.11-2004. The figures given In the table are upto October`2004