Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state :
(a) The details of projects of the Urban Infrastructure Governance(UIG and Urban Infrastructure Development Schemes for small and Medium Town (UIDSSMT) the two components of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) are lying pending/ incomplete projects, city-wise and state-wise.
(b) The details of incomplete/pending projects of UIG and UIDSSMT considered under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), city-wise and state-wise.
(c) The details of UIG and UIDSSMT projects to which financial assistance are still being provided, project, city and state-wise.
(d) The details of proposals for financial assistance for these projects received by the Government during the last three years and the current year so far, State-wise.
(e) The details of the proposals sanctioned and the funds provided during the above period, project, city and State-wise; and
(f) The present status of these projects and the time by which these are likely to be completed, project, city and State-wise.