Question : Tourism Projects in Kurnool

(a) whether the Ministry has proposed any schemes and financial assistance for the development of tourism in Andhra Pradesh;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) the number of projects being selected and considered for development;
(d) the details of the financial assistance sanctioned/ being sanctioned for each project; and
(e) the details of the projects identified particularly in the district of Kurnool, in Andhra Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): The Ministry of Tourism has provided financial assistance to State Governments/Union Territory Administrations/Central Agencies including the State of Andhra Pradesh under the ‘Swadesh Darshan’, ‘National Mission on Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive (PRASHAD)’ and ‘Assistance to Central Agencies for Tourism Infrastructure Development’ Schemes for the development of tourism related infrastructure in the country. In addition, financial assistance has also been provided to the State of Andhra Pradesh for organizing fairs/festivals & tourism related events.

Proposals are received from State Governments/Union Territory Administrations from time to time for seeking financial assistance under the various schemes of the Ministry of Tourism. These proposals are examined in context of the scheme guidelines and financial assistance is extended for such projects subject to fulfilment of the stipulated provisions and availability of funds.

The details of the projects sanctioned under the Swadesh Darshan, PRASHAD & Assistance to Central Agencies Schemes and financial assistance provided for organizing fairs/festivals and tourism related events to the State of Andhra Pradesh is annexed.

Under the Scheme ''Assistance to IHMs/FCIs/IITTMs etc.’, the following State Institute of Hotel Management (IHM)/Indian Culinary Institute (ICI) have been sanctioned in the State of Andhra Pradesh:

Name of the Project Amount Sanctioned (Rs. in Crore)
State IHM, Tirupati 10.00
ICI, Tirupati 97.49

(e): On the receipt of the request from the State Government of Andhra Pradesh the project ‘Development of Srisailam Temple’ in Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh under PRASHAD Scheme of the Ministry of Tourism was approved on 13.09.2017 at an estimated cost of Rs.47.45 Crore. Physical execution of the project has been completed with the final executed cost of Rs.43.08 Crore in the year 2021. All payments have been released by the Ministry of Tourism to the State Government of Andhra Pradesh vide sanction letter dated 28.10.2021.

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