Question : Non-implementation of Tourism Infrastructural Projects

(a) whether the Government has warned those State Governments that have not implemented tourism related infrastructural projects for many reasons;
(b) if so, the project-wise and State-wise details thereof along with the conditions therein and the details of such projects and the reasons for their delay;
(c) the reaction of the State Governments thereon;
(d) the project-wise funds allocated and utilized for the purpose during each of the last three years; and
(e) the time by which these projects are likely to be completed?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): The projects under the schemes viz., Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive (PRASHAD) and “Integrated Development of Theme Based Tourist Circuit in the Country, Swadesh Darshan (SD)" are reviewed at regular basis by the Ministry of Tourism by carrying out field visits, regional review meetings, video conference meetings and through online dashboard. The Ministry of Tourism has also developed and circulated frameworks to monitor physical and financial progress of the projects to all State Governments/UTs. State Governments/UTs have been advised to submit the report on monthly basis. All State Government/UTs are required to submit the Utilization Certificates in the format approved under GFR. The projects mentioned above are to be executed during a period of 24 to 36 months.

The details of the project-wise funds sanctioned and released so is annexed.

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