Question : Micro-Irrigation Projects

(a) the details of micro/drip irrigation systems that the Government has promoted and operationalized to improve efficient usage of water for agriculture in the last three years, State-wise, including Jharkhand;

(b) the details of the number of beneficiaries and the acreage of land covered under advanced irrigation systems, till date, State-wise, including Jharkhand;

(c) whether the Ministry has studied the impact of micro-irrigation projects on farmers’ income, if so, the details thereof;

(d) the total number of farmers who have adopted micro-irrigation projects, State-wise; and

(e) the total number of micro-water harvesting structures constructed during the last three years, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


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(a), (b) & (d): The Government of India is promoting Micro Irrigation viz. Drip and Sprinkler systems in the Country for enhancing water use efficiency at farm level under the Per Drop More Crop component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY-PDMC) from 2015-16. Under PMKSY-PDMC, total area of 59.37 lakh ha has been covered under Micro Irrigation in the country from 2015-16 till date. The State wise area covered under Micro Irrigation and number of farmers benefitted including the State of Jharkhand through PMKSY-PDMC since inception including the last three years is given at Annexure-I and II.

(c): Recent evaluation study of the scheme conducted by NITI Aayog indicated that the Micro Irrigation is relevant in achieving the National Priorities such as substantially improving on-farm water use efficiency, enhancing crop productivity, generating employment opportunities etc. Further, the scheme has been quite effective in terms of ensuring benefits to farmers with high productivity, reducing fertilizer usage, reduction in labour expenses, other input costs and overall income enhancement of farmers.
(e) Besides promoting Micro Irrigation, the PMKSY- PDMC also supports Micro level water storage/ conservation activities to supplement the source creation for the micro irrigation. During the last three years, about 2.21 lakh number of water harvesting structures are created under PMKSY- PDMC. The Statewise details are given at Annexure-III.

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