(a)&(b) Under the Sampoorrna Grameen Rozgar Yojana(SGRY), funds have been
allocated to all the States/UTs including Maharashtra for the current year 2002-03. The
first installment of the central share of funds were released to all the 33 Districts of
Maharashtra in the month of May 2002 itself.
(c ) & (e) The SGRY is allocation based. The funds are allocated to the States/UTs on
the basis of the proportion of the rural poor in the State to the total rural poor in the
The Statement indicating allocation, releases, total available funds, utilization of
funds, foodgrains authorization and its lifting is at Annexure.
(d) & (f) It is envisaged to provide 100 crore mandays each year under the scheme
with the annual allocation of 50 lakh tonnes of foodgrains, since a minimum of 5
Kilograms of foodgrains per manday is required to paid as part of the wages. But the
States are free to raise the limit of foodgrains upto 75% of the wages and to provide
foodgrains to the beneficiaries either on BPL or APL rates or somewhere in between.
Fixation of targets for mandays, therefore may not be possible.
Statement as referred to in parts ( c ) & ( e ) of the reply to the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2439 to be Answered on 3-12-2002
(Rs. In lakhs) Foodgrains in Tonnes
S.No State/U.Ts Opening Balance as on 1-4-2002 Allocation Funds Releases Other`s Receipts Total Funds Available Funds Utilized/ Expenditure Foodgrains Allocation Authorisation of foodgrains Total Foodgrains Lifted
Centre State Share Total Centre State Matching Share State`s Share Actual Released Total O.B. as on 1-4-2002 Wheat Rice Total Available Foodgrins
1 ANDHRA PR. 3302.20 18977.31 6325.77 25303.08 18977.32 6325.77 3628.41 22605.73 1.78 25909.71 12463.40 0 237497 0 237447 237447 237447 237447
2 ARUNACHAL PR. 651.88 986.98 328.99 1315.97 475.33 158.44 0.00 475.33 0.00 1127.21 84.04 7013 13853 0 4094 4094 11107 0
3 ASSAM 8596.30 25626.43 8542.14 34168.57 12813.22 4271.07 0.00 12813.22 4836.36 26245.88 6275.23 212851 359679 0 179819 179819 392670 174910
4 BIHAR 8362.82 36327.51 12109.17 48436.68 16837.06 5612.35 39.97 16877.03 1.49 25241.34 5564.53 203581 454594 0 159198 159198 362779 108370
5 CHHATISGARH 1289.78 9286.06 3095.35 12381.41 9252.82 3084.27 2799.11 12051.93 25.65 13367.36 7843.79 0 116184 0 113824 113824 113824 8140
6 GOA 6.07 158.36 52.79 211.15 75.04 25.01 9.06 84.10 0.00 90.17 0.16 995 1982 0 665 665 1660 0
7 GUJARAT 202.63 7728.31 2576.10 10304.41 3411.69 1137.23 538.49 3950.18 0.00 4152.81 984.60 80703 96725 40847 0 40847 121550 49870
8 HARYANA 832.00 4290.25 1430.08 5720.33 4290.24 1430.08 668.95 4959.19 73.98 5865.17 4789.73 22820 53689 53689 0 53689 76509 69920
9 HIMACHAL PRD. 377.11 1806.79 602.26 2409.05 793.82 264.61 128.29 922.11 1.46 1300.68 213.78 5698 22608 4082 3954 8036 13734 5420
10 J. & KASHMIR 251.42 2154.84 718.28 2873.12 1120.11 373.37 153.75 1273.86 5.40 1530.68 145.78 15919 26965 3635 7727 11362 27281 9490
11 JHARKHAND 10801.84 24828.98 8276.33 33105.31 12041.37 4013.79 1186.68 13228.05 0.00 24029.89 6339.08 154003 310741 37007 78781 115788 269791 34360
12 KARNATAKA 3909.31 14098.08 4699.36 18797.44 13868.24 4622.75 2617.31 16485.55 0.00 20394.86 9233.13 45742 176418 17270 155717 172987 218729 218729
13 KERALA 1265.17 6325.52 2108.51 8434.03 3070.53 1023.51 967.00 4037.53 13.32 5316.02 2390.24 28269 79164 0 51485 51485 79754 43310
14 MADHYA PRD. 1933.63 21841.08 7280.36 29121.44 18148.67 6049.56 4326.90 22475.57 149.57 24558.77 11091.65 23477 273357 156171 68925 225096 248573 216030
15 MAHARASHTRA 3397.37 28002.67 9334.22 37336.89 13527.33 4509.11 3750.50 17277.83 609.61 21284.81 7168.96 171360 350437 90515 49906 140421 311781 139770
16 MANIPUR 0.00 1719.36 573.12 2292.48 508.55 169.52 0.00 508.55 0.00 508.55 0.00 1084 24129 0 5557 5557 6641 1020
17 MEGHALAYA 410.63 1926.22 642.07 2568.29 835.64 278.55 40.57 876.21 0.00 1286.84 78.86 1850 27040 0 7231 7231 9081 4410
18 MIZORAM 210.79 445.73 148.58 594.31 214.66 71.55 0.00 214.66 0.00 425.45 196.24 870 6257 0 1853 1853 2723 2800
19 NAGALAND 0.00 1321.29 440.43 1761.72 576.49 192.16 0.00 576.49 0.00 576.49 0.00 4314 18548 1960 3582 5542 9856 4740
20 ORISSA 4332.90 21353.15 7117.72 28470.87 21353.22 7117.74 4435.20 25788.42 0.00 30121.32 11394.69 13186 267209 0 263041 263041 276227 276227
21 PUNJAB 267.03 3461.06 1153.69 4614.75 975.32 325.11 336.15 1311.47 5.75 1584.25 779.81 9642 43341 11978 0 11978 21620 7790
22 RAJASTHAN 2047.29 10710.59 3570.20 14280.79 10710.59 3570.20 2661.64 13372.23 0.00 15419.52 7569.49 128066 134038 134030 0 134030 262096 262096
23 SIKKIM 0.00 493.50 164.50 658.00 246.75 82.25 0.00 246.75 0.00 246.75 0.00 1303 6931 0 2770 2770 4073 20
24 TAMIL NADU 515.50 16564.43 5521.48 22085.91 16543.06 5514.35 3629.24 20172.30 65.56 20753.36 8065.02 117471 207288 0 207118 207118 324589 106080
25 TRIPURA 491.67 3104.49 1034.83 4139.32 1495.12 498.37 647.77 2142.89 0.00 2634.56 1654.97 15310 43573 0 12891 12891 28201 18350
26 UTTARANCHAL 1818.93 4258.87 1419.62 5678.49 2296.14 765.38 0.00 2296.14 16.15 4131.22 1444.78 18593 53302 9184 15200 24384 42977 24650
27 UTTAR PRD. 37928.16 63243.32 21081.11 84324.43 33992.69 11330.90 0.00 33992.69 0.00 71920.85 26504.65 369667 791453 293351 81339 374690 744357 429620
28 WEST BENGAL 19598.14 23729.76 7909.92 31639.68 11236.15 3745.38 3645.61 14881.76 138.50 34618.40 11298.95 67356 296957 0 99844 99844 167200 98050
29 A&N ISLANDS 0.00 139.88 0.00 139.88 42.32 0.00 0.00 42.32 0.00 42.32 0.00 570 1753 0 379 379 949 570
30 D&N HAVELI 0.00 109.27 0.00 109.27 61.40 0.00 0.00 61.40 0.00 61.40 0.00 690 1370 0 560 560 1250 0
31 DAMAN & DIU 0.00 30.27 0.00 30.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 378 0 0 0 0 0
32 LAKSHADWEEP 17.33 48.16 0.00 48.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 17.67 2.94 310 602 0 0 0 310 0
33 PONDICHERRY 279.18 154.50 0.00 154.50 74.66 0.00 0.00 74.66 0.00 353.84 123.68 330 1938 0 648 648 978 320
ALL INDIA 113097.07 355253.02 118256.98 473510.00 229865.55 76562.39 36210.59 266076.14 5944.92 385118.14 143702.17 1723044 4500000 853719 1813555 2667274 4390318 2552509