(a) whether the Government proposes to modify/revise the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK);

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the extent to which the RMK has helped in improving the living conditions of women in the country;

(d) the quantum of funds sanctioned and disbursed to individuals/groups by RMK during each of the last three years and the current year; and

(e) the mechanism in place to monitor the implementation of the scheme and to recover the loan?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): A proposal has been moved to restructure and strengthen Rashtriya Mahila Kosh from existing single office Society to Government owned Non Deposit Taking Systemically Important Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC-ND-SI) u/s 617 of the Companies Act with a Pan-India office network.

(c): An impact study of RMK loans on poor women conducted in 2007-08 indicated:

# 86% of the beneficiaries below poverty line

# Monthly income increased between Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 4000/-

# 54% reported increase in household expenditure

# High number of beneficiaries reported improvement in food consumption pattern

# 87% reported increase in household assets - T.V., fridge, fan, telephone etc.

# Access to medical facility increased for majority of beneficiaries.

# Increase in their self-confidence and security with increased income through activities taken up with RMK loans

# Many beneficiaries reported improvement in their standard of living

# Most beneficiaries also opined that women participation in micro- finance led to decrease in domestic violence.

(d): The details of funds sanctioned and disbursed by RMK and the number of beneficiaries during the last three years and the current year are given below:

(Rs in lakhs)
Year Loans Sanctioned Loans Disbursed No. of Beneficiaries
2009-10 1471.00 1563.03 15,404
2010-11 1278.00 1249.15 13,362
2011-12 1985.00 1631.00 18,182
2012-13 1553.00 1126.50 13,827 (upto 28.02.13)

(e): For monitoring and recovery of loans, initially demand letters and reminders are sent to the organizations demanding the amount due from them, on a quarterly basis. In the event of continuous default of a year or so, the defaulting Intermediary Micro financing Organization (IMO) is first sent a warning and if required, final warning after 30 days to clear the over dues in the loan account. If the loan is still not paid, the defaulting IMO is black listed. In case the IMO clears the loan over- dues, it is removed from the RMK black list. RMK also files Civil and Criminal suits against the defaulting organizations to recover the dues.