Question : Irregularities under Rural Road Construction in Bihar

(a) whether the Government is aware of the irregularities being committed in the construction work of rural roads from Dubaha Dostiya to Kaudiya Road located in Madhuban block of East Champaran District of Bihar and that sub-standard materials are being used in the construction work;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the details of action taken by the Union Government on those responsible for the said irregularities and use of substandard material along with the outcome thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Complaints related to various facets of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) including irregularities and use of sub-standard materials in the construction of road work are received from time to time.

As per the Programme Guideline of PMGSY, the Quality of road works is the responsibility of the State Governments, who are implementing the Programme. All such complaints are therefore, referred to the State Quality Coordinators of respective States for taking necessary follow up action and furnishing report. On receipt of a complaint about irregularities in the construction of road work “Dubaha Dostiya to Kaudiya Road” (Package no.-BR-11R-372), located in Madhuban block of East Champaran District, the matter was inspected by a National Quality Monitor (NQM) on 20-09-2014 deputed by National Rural Road Development Agency (NRRDA). The NQM graded the road work as ''Satisfactory Requiring Improvement (SRI)''.

The matter was taken up with the State Government for carrying out the rectification work and submitting the Action Taken Report (ATR). The ATR submitted by the State Government explains that the said road work was completed on 08-12-2014 and that necessary rectification work has been carried out as per the observations of the NQM in his inspection report. Subsequently, the road was inspected by a State Quality Monitor (SQM) on 20-12-2014 who graded the work as ‘Satisfactory.

The State Govt. has conveyed that this road is presently under 5 year routine maintenance period and routine maintenance is being undertaken as per schedule. The road work was again inspected by a State Quality Monitor on 23.09.2016 and graded as ‘Satisfactory’.


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