Question : Kishori Health Cards

the features of the Kishori Health Cards indicating the number of cards issued since its inception, State/UT-wise including Satna, Madhya Pradesh and Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh;
(b) whether the States are maintaining Kishori health Cards at the Anganwadi Centres along with other services provided under the Scheme for Adolescent Girls by the States and if so, the details of States maintaining such records;
(c) whether the Union Government has any data under the said scheme and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(d) whether the Government has taken note that Madhya Pradesh Government has not maintained any data in this regard and if so, the details and the reasons therefor along with the funds released since its inception, State/UT-wise including Satna, Madhya Pradesh; and
(e) whether the Government has formulated any separate Scheme to maintain the health record of Adolescent Girls and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c) As per the information available, most of the States are maintaining Kishori Health Cards for Adolescent Girls in Angawadi Centres (AWCs) to record the information about the weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI) along with other services provided under the scheme. These health cards for all Adolescent Girls (AGs) are maintained at the AWCs.

Government is implementing Scheme for Adolescent Girls across the country including Satna district of Madhya Pradesh. The details of achievements/outcomes made under the scheme are marked on Kishori Card and the card also carries important milestones of Adolescent Girls’ life including mainstreaming them into the schools etc.

As per the information received from State Government of Uttar Pradesh, at present 20 projects operating and per project 100 Kishori Health Cards were distributed in the Anganwadi Centres. The information about the maintenance of Kishori Health Cards by the States/UTs is at Annexure-I.

(d) The Funds released to States/UTs in the last three years are at Annexure-II. As per the information received from the Government of the Madhya Pradesh, Kishori Health Cards are not being maintained in the State.

(e) Currently, Government is maintaining the health records of adolescent girls through Kishori Health Cards.

Annexure referred in reply to Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.2604 for 06.03.2020 asked by Shri Ganesh Singh and Shri Rajesh Verma regarding Kishori Health cards

Sr. No. Name of States / UTs Uses of Kishori Health Card
1. Andhra Pradesh No
2. Arunachal Pradesh Yes
3. Assam No
4. Bihar Yes
5. Chhattisgarh Yes
6. Goa No
7. Gujarat Yes
8. Haryana Yes
9. Karnataka No
10. Kerala No
11. Madhya Pradesh No
12. Maharashtra No
13. Manipur No
14. Meghalaya No
15. Mizoram Yes
16. Odisha No
17. Punjab Yes
18. Rajasthan No
19. Sikkim Yes
20. Uttar Pradesh Yes
21.. Uttarakhand No
22. A & N Islands Yes
23. Chandigarh Yes
24. Delhi No
25. Dadra & N Haveli Yes
26. Daman & Diu *
27. Lakshadweep No
28. Puducherry Yes

* As per APIP, in Daman & Diu, there is no out of school girls in the age group of 11-14 years.

Annexure Referred in Reply to Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.2604 for 06.03.2020 asked by Shri Ganesh Singh and Shri Rajesh Verma regarding Kishori Health Cards

State/UT-wise Fund released under Scheme for Adolescent Girls during last 3 years:

(Rupees in lakh)
S. No. States/UTs 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Released Utilized Released Utilized Released Utilized
1 Andhra Pradesh 762.99 1710.10 2259.52 2050.18 1011.98 139.57
2 Arunachal Pradesh 126.25 83.49 87.96 42.76 0.00 18.44
3 Assam 1356.94 149.18 341.92 0.00 0.00 774.51
4 Bihar 2696.83 2315.55 4003.74 2742.76 25.54 686.12
5 Chhattisgarh 1389.69 27772.50 2792.61 1795.87 724.75 61.70
6 Goa 131.50 259.21 302.77 345.84 0.40 0.20
7 Gujarat 1443.18 6323.17 2690.09 4989.00 5092.44 1206.18
8 Haryana 104.74 573.65 589.97 363.75 37.41 44.71
9 Himachal Pradesh 720.45 1349.14 1129.42 372.18 0.00 1.71
10 Jammu & Kashmir 194.63 184.69 255.91 26.67 560.39 0.00
11 Jharkhand 145.57 1465.35 1495.55 154.54 0.00 0.00
12 Karnataka 740.73 2642.58 2466.93 1819.93 923.76 880.33
13 Kerala 1057.73 893.89 692.91 996.27 289.74 0.00
14 Madhya Pradesh 5302.02 8466.04 8641.18 7125.70 5442.40 2810.48
15 Maharashtra 5334.42 3541.02 3995.68 3530.70 3536.78 2715.98
16 Manipur 49.65 161.87 170.28 62.34 0.00 34.21
17 Meghalaya 919.65 919.65 528.83 540.36 12.55 23.75
18 Mizoram 91.78 103.40 123.95 123.15 69.32 69.32
19 Nagaland 206.31 206.31 193.14 191.61 214.30 139.36
20 Odisha 2867.25 3443.78 2442.60 2345.40 866.77 0.00
21 Punjab 0 448.77 40.60 313.99 26.30 43.13
22 Rajasthan 0 22.49 39.38 0.00 0.00 59.39
23 Sikkim 32.54 16.19 15.42 27.45 0.00 0.00
24 Tamil Nadu 2655.26 3076.85 3196.22 1945.25 0.00 32.28
25 Telangana 572.39 0 81.40 765.58 107.49 0.00
26 Tripura 334.81 819.62 674.38 210.06 19.16 103.19
27 Uttar Pradesh 10932.99 7631.00 4486.13 5681.34 1000.35 0.00
28 Uttaranchal 43.02 3.77 3.30 0.00 0.00 0.00
29 West Bengal 40.41 340.08 282.47 992.63 101.85 0.00
30 A & N Islands 107.05 50.65 51.35 15.52 3.18 0.19
31 Chandigarh 12.11 7.84 12.68 5.81 2.33 1.66
32 Daman & Diu 14.14 15.94 14.14 14.07 4.53 4.53
33 D & NH 16.44 16.44 16.44 12.64 4.94 0.00
34 Delhi 276.66 687.49 490.19 570.32 320.48 18.29
35 Lakshadweep 2.20 1.80 11.65 2.82 3.11 0.12
36 Pondicherry 17.72 18.67 8.81 4.74 1.63 0.04
Total 47700.06 50722.88 44629.53 40181.3 20403.88 9869.39

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