Question : FDI Inflows and Outflows

(a) the details of FDI inflows and outflows from India during the last three years and the current year as per RBI data;

(b) whether there has been measured outflow of FDI compared to inflow, if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to check the target by FDI?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): The data on FDI inflows is maintained by Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) which is based on inputs from RBI. The same is available on the website of Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion ( /English/ Publications/FDI_Statistics/FDI_Statistics.aspx). The data on FDI outflow is maintained by RBI based on the overseas investment made under Notification No.FEMA.120/RB-2004 dated July 7, 2004. The FDI inflows and outward FDI during the last three years and the current year are as follow:-
(Amount in US$ Million) Figure is rounded off to nearest digit.
Financial year Outward FDI FDI Inflows *
2012-13 11,104 34,298
2013-14 13,278 36,046
2014-15 6,607 44,291
2015-16 4,218 (Till December 9, 2015) 24,409 (Upto September, 2015)
Note: * Provisional
Foreign investment is based on the investment decisions of the investors which may be influenced by financial and other parameters like prevailing financial market conditions, Anticipated future returns on investment, Country rating of the concerned jurisdiction, Risk taking ability of the investors, Market infrastructure & Regulatory regime in the concerned jurisdiction, Financial, economic and monetary policy scenarios in its own jurisdiction and competitive markets and personal inclination of foreign investors towards a specific country and other global macroeconomic and geopolitical factors.
(c) The FDI policy is reviewed on an ongoing basis, with a view to making it more investor friendly. In the recent past, Government has made significant changes in the FDI policy, to ensure that India remains an attractive destination. All such policy decisions are available on the website of DIPP ( English/ acts_rules/Press_Notes.aspx).


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