(a) whether the NABARD has opened one-man listrict Offices in the country to provide expert guidance the financing banks in the areas of credit planning;

(b) if so, the State-wise and location-wise details of such District Offices opened so far;

(c) the achievements made after establishment of said offices;

(d) whether the Government propose to open some more offices in the country;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) the assistance provided by NABARD to State Government of Maharashtra for various projects/schemes during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b) Yes, Sir. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) had started opening of one man District Offices since 1989 to provide expert guidance to the financing banks in the areas of credit planning, monitoring and coordination. During the period 1988-89 to 2000-01, NABARD has opened 304 District Development Managers (DDM) Offices in the country. The State-wise details of the number of such offices are given in the statement enclosed.

(c) NABARD has reported that opening of DDM Offices at the district level has helped in increasing the pace of rural development of the country through augmenting the ground level credit flow, employment generation and economic prosperity of the rural people. The DDMs render useful help and guidance to the district authorities/credit institutions in tapping of exploitable potentials available in the districts and also help in identification/formation of Self Help Groups/Non-Government Organisations/Voluntary Associations, etc. and their credit linkage with financing banks to help poor people under the scheme of micro-credit innovations. Further, DDMs also monitor implementation of Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RiDF) Projects/Watershed Development Programmes, etc. in the district and issuance of Kisan Credit Cards to the farmers.

(d) and (e) NABARD has reported that it proposes to open some more new DDM offices in the country in a phased manner. During the current year, NABARD has opened twenty three new DDM offices.

(f) NABARD sanctions loans to State Governments out of Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) for taking up incomplete infrastructure projects as also rev,-projects under irrgation sector, rural roads and bridges, watershed development, flood protection, command area development, etc. The details of the number of projects and amount sanctioned under RIDF to the State Government of Maharashtra during the last three years are as under:-

( crore) Purpose 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000
No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount
Rural Bridges 68 9.73 245 21.82 285 23.39 Rural Roads 654 244.58 654 179.67 1264 326.89 Minor Irrigation - - 12 88.77 - - Medium Irrigation - - 01 11.71 - -