Question : Skill Development under PMKVY in Maharashtra

(a) the number of Skill Development Centres functioning in Maharashtra including Mumbai and Parbhani Parliamentary Constituency under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana and the details thereof;

(b) the number of students enrolled for training under Skill Development Centre in Maharashtra including Mumbai and the number of students who have completed their training so far since the inception of the scheme and the details thereof, year-wise;

(c) the efforts made to provide employment opportunities to the students who have completed their training and the immediate actions taken by the Government in this regard;

(d) the number of trained students offered employments in Parbhani so far;

(e) whether any plans being formulated or measures being taken by the Government to make employments available to the trained students; and

(f) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons thereto?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Under Skill India Mission, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) is implementing its flagship scheme Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY). Under Short Term Training (STT) component of PMKVY, candidates are being trained in short duration courses through skill development Training Centres (TCs). Also, Ministry promotes establishment of model training centres known as Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra (PMKK) in every district across the country. In the State of Maharashtra, short term training have been imparted through 1901 TCs (including PMKKs), out of which, 141 TCs are in Mumbai Constituency (Mumbai and Mumbai Suburban Districts) and 58 TCs are in Parbhani Constituency (Parbhani and Jalna Districts).

(b) PMKVY has two training components, namely, Short Term Training (STT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Under STT component, candidates are being trained in short duration courses through skill development training centres (TCs) whereas under RPL component, candidates with prior learning experience or skills are being oriented and certified.

Since inception of the PMKVY, 12,53,209 candidates (including 2,00,255 number of candidates from Mumbai Parliamentary Constituency) have been enrolled as on 30.06.2022 in the State of Maharashtra. Out of which, 9,64,032 candidates have been certified on completion of their training. Year-wise details of enrolled and certified candidates under PMKVY in the State of Maharashtra are as under:

FY Maharashtra Mumbai Constituency
Enrolled Trained Certified Enrolled Trained Certified
FY-15-16 97,109 83,252 58,809 6,590 5,550 2,994
FY-16-17 32,903 33,163 20,191 6,425 5,110 2,142
FY-17-18 1,17,200 95,390 63,393 16,089 15,815 10,038
FY-18-19 1,80,372 1,65,352 89,570 29,753 29,424 13,411
FY-19-20 7,60,649 6,37,002 4,30,510 1,36,448 1,19,318 43,598
FY-20-21 15,222 1,48,352 2,59,742 794 17,252 86,707
FY-21-22 49,479 39,864 31,521 4,091 3,814 6,365
FY-22-23 275 12,444 10,296 65 486 627
Total 12,53,209 12,14,819 9,64,032 2,00,255 1,96,769 1,65,882

(c), (d), (e) and (f) Under PMKVY, placement opportunities are being provided to STT certified candidates. Under PMKVY-STT, placement is linked with payout to training providers. The last tranche, i.e., 30 percent of total payout is disbursed to Training Providers only on ensuring placement of the candidates. Rozgar Melas are organised with the support of Sector Skill Councils, training providers and implementing agencies to directly link the candidates with the potential employers. Also, captive placements of the trained candidates are being promoted under special project of PMKVY.

In addition, Ministry has launched Aatmanirbhar Skilled Employees Employer Mapping (ASEEM) portal, which acts as a central directory of skilled workforce registered and certified under Skill India Portal (SIP), across all schemes at central and state level.

Since inception of the PMKVY, 13,004 and 8,402 candidates have been trained and certified, respectively under PMKVY-STT, in Parbhani Constituency (Parbhani and Jalna Districts) of State of Maharashtra. Out of certified candidates, 1,947 candidates have been reported placed in various sectors.

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