(a)to (d): There were 12.05 crore child population (0 - 6 years)
eligible for enrolment as per anganwadi survey register in 12.66 lakh
operational anganwadi centres (AWCs) of which 7.84 crore children
(6 months - 6 years) availed of supplementary nutrition as on 30.06.2011
as ICDS is a self selecting Scheme. Similarly, out of 2.28 crore
pregnant women and lactating mothers (P&LM) eligible for enrolment,
1.80 crore P&LM constituting 78.75% received supplementary nutrition.
State-wise details are at Annex-I.
Though ICDS is a self selecting Scheme, the number of beneficiaries
namely children (6 months â 6 years) and pregnant women & lactating
mother received supplementary nutrition have increased from 8.73 crore
as on 31.03.2009 to 8.84 crore as on 31.03.2010 and to 9.64 crore as
on 30.06.2011.
The Government has introduced 5-tier monitoring & review mechanism at
National, State, District, Block and Anganwadi Levels and has issued
the guidelines on 31.03.2011. Under these guidelines, the District
and Block level Committees will closely monitor inter-alia coverage of
beneficiaries and Anganwadi level Committee is required to review and
take as well as suggest actions to improve coverage of all eligible
beneficiaries as against the surveyed population.
The Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Helpers are honorary workers and are
paid honorarium in the range of Rs.2938 per month to 3063 per month
depending upon their qualifications and experience. AWW of mini-AWC/Helper
is paid an amount of Rs.1500 per month. Besides, the States/ UTs are also
giving monetary incentives to these workers out of their own resources for
additional functions assigned under other schemes. The details of
expenditure on honorarium paidto AWWs and Helpers by States/ UTs is not
maintained at the Central level. An amount of Rs.4013.19 crore during
2008-09, Rs.4306.82 crore during 2009-10, Rs.4701.21 crore during 2010-11
and Rs. 1033.69 crore during 2011-12 (up to 31.7.2011) as grant-in-aid
has been released to States/UTs by Govt. of India under ICDS (General)
which includes honorarium for Angnawadi workers and helpers.