Question : Activities under MGNREGS

(a) whether the Government proposes to include the activities connected with dairy farming under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Government also proposes to include agricultural operations under the MGNREGS so as to support the marginal and medium farmers in distress;

(c) whether there is any delay in making the payments towards wage and material costs under this scheme and if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise; and

(d) the reasons for such delay and the steps taken/being taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Creation of infrastructure for promotion of livestock such as goat shelter, cattle shelter, and fodder trough for cattle, for vulnerable sections are already permitted activities under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS).

(b): Non-tangible, not measurable, repetitive agriculture operations are not permitted under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).

(c): As per the Programme Management Information System (MIS), State/UT-wise details of total transactions paid, total transaction paid with delay and percentage of transactions with delay in the Financial Year 2016-17 (as on 10th November, 2016) is given at Annexure.

(d): Cases of delay in payment of wages in States/UTs have been reported in the Ministry due to following reasons: -

• Implementation issues like delay in measurement, inadequate staff, poor spread of banking infrastructure, etc.

• Internet connectivity for maintaining the programme database (MGNREGA-soft)

In order to ensure timely payment wages, Rules have been issued for timely payment of wages under which, it was suggested that clear accountability shall be fixed on the functionaries for timely performance of specific duties leading to payment of wages. All cases of delayed payment attract compensation @ 0.05% of the unpaid wages per day of delay, which is automatically calculated and paid by the State Governments upfront.

For ensuring timely payment of wages, the Central Government has started National Electronic Fund Management System (NeFMS) in 20 States and 1 UT. The system does away with unnecessary parking of funds at the State level and promotes greater transparency in fund management.

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