Question : Promotion of Educationamong Minorities

(a) whetherthe ongoing projects for promotion of education the Minorities have been
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the Government has announced for setting up some new Universities to encourage
minorities for higher education; and
(d) if so, the number and the States where such universities are to be set up?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (b) : The Ministry of Human Resource Development has taken several significant
initiatives in the following areas for promotion of education of minorities:-
i) National Monitoring Committee on Minorities’ Education (NMCME)for Vocational
Education and Skill Development of Minorities, Implementation of Schemes, Mapping of
Educational requirements of minorities, Girls’ Education and Promotion of Urdu Language.
ii) Scheme for Providing Quality Education in MadrasasThe Policy lays special emphasis on
removal of disparities and equalizing educational opportunities.
iii) Scheme for Infrastructure Development Private Aided/Unaided Minority Institutes
(IDMI) facilitates education of minorities by augmenting and strengthening school infrastructure
in Minority Institutions (elementary/ secondary/senior secondary schools) in order to expand
facilities for formal education to children of minority communities. The scheme will inter alia
encourage educational facilities for girls, children with special needs and those who are most
deprived educationally amongst minorities.
(c) to (d) : The setting up of institutions of higher education is an ongoing process. A
number of higher education institutions including Central Universities, IITs and IISERs have
already been established. Following the 12th Plan (2012-17), as approved by the National
Development Council, the thrust is on consolidation of higher education system. Expansion is to
be done mainly by scaling up capacity of the existing institutions in place of setting up new
institutions. Further, ‘Education’ being a concurrent subject, the State Governments are also
taking various initiatives.

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