Question : Use of Land Damaged by Mining Activities

(a) the area of land involved in major and minor mining activities in the country and the area out of it damaged due to mining activities there;
(b) whether the Government proposes to take any appropriate action to use the damaged land for agriculture, industry, environment and forests etc.;
(c) if so, the details thereof and the time by which it is likely to be done; and
(d) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Details of the land involved in minor minerals mining activities and damaged due to these activities are not centrally maintained as it comes under the purview of the respective State Governments. As per information available with the Indian Bureau of Mines (a Subordinate office of the Ministry of Mines), the details of area involved in major minerals mining activities and damaged by these activities are given below:

Total area under Mining Leases for Major Minerals Total area Degraded/Damaged due to Major Minerals Mining Activities
2.95 million hectare 0.71 million hectare
Source: Indian Bureau of Mines

(b) to (d): Indian Bureau of Mines (a Subordinate office of the Ministry of Mines) carries out inspection of mines of major minerals for enforcement of the provisions of the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017 (MCDR, 2017) which includes systematic and scientific development of mineral deposits, conservation of mineral resources and protection of environment. Rule 22 of MCDR, 2017 prescribes that every mine shall have a mine closure plan i.e. Progressive Mine Closure Plan and Final Mine Closure Plan. Through these closure plans, the protective, reclamation and rehabilitation work in the mining lease areas is envisaged. Further, Rule 35 to 44 of MCDR, 2017 stipulates sustainable mining, which includes various environmental protection measures to be taken in the mining areas, reclamation and rehabilitation of lands affected by prospecting or mining operations.

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