(a) whether the Government proposes to converge National Early Childhood Care and Education(ECCE) Policy with primary education to ensure easy transition of the child from pre-school to mainstream education and prevent dropouts in the country;

(b) If so, the details thereof along with the salient features/specifications of the said policy; and

(c) the measures taken/being taken by the Government to improve the working conditions of the existing anganwadi workers engaged in imparting early childhood education under Integrated Child Development Services Scheme?

Answer given by the minister


(a)& (b): The common goal of Early Childhood Education (ECE) and primary education is to prepare the child for further advancement in the educational system. The curriculum and pedagogy in Early Childhood Education are intended to provide opportunities to stimulate the different domains of development and to facilitate transition to the formal education system.

The Ministry of Women & Child Development, the Ministry of Human Resource Development and the State Governments have worked closely with each other to develop the National ECCE Policy with the National Curriculum Framework and a Quality Standard Framework for ECCE. The latter provides minimum specifications for infrastructure, indoor and outdoor spaces, developmental and age appropriate curriculum, adequate play materials, trained staff and facilities for drinking water, toilets and safety in the ECCE centres.

At the implementation level, the respective Departments are expected to build on the conceptual synergies and promote approaches that will enable children to make the transition easily from the Anganwadis to the school system and to make them better learners.

The convergence in many instances has been facilitated by co-location of Anganwadi Centres and primary school campus or establishment of Anganwadi Centres in close proximity with schools.

(c): The measures taken to improve the working conditions of Anganwadi Workers are as follows:-

The Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) are paid honorarium @ Rs.3000/- and Rs.1500/- per month respectively w.e.f. 01-04-2011. Recently, the honorarium of AWWs of Mini AWCs has been increased from Rs.1500/- to Rs. 2250/- w.e.f. 04-07-2013. Apart from these, additional amount of honoraria are also paid by most of the State Governments / UT Administrations from their own resources.

Besides, these functionaries are also extended the following benefits/facilities:-

# 20 days casual leave per year

# Paid absence on maternity of 180 days

# Provision of uniform and name badge

# Reservation of 25% of vacant posts of Supervisors for Anganwadi Workers

# Recruitment of 25 % of Anganwadi Workers from amongst AWHs

# Insurance cover under the Anganwadi Karyakartri Bima Yojana