Question : National Skill Development Board

(a) whether the Government has taken a decision to set up a National Board for skill development certification with the participation of academicians and corporate sector; and
(b) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b) The Government intends to set up a National Board for Skill Certification (NBSC) in partnership with the industry and academia to act as a professional national body for assessment and certification of skill training programmes under National Skills Framework. NBSC would harmonize and standardize the processes involved in examination, assessment and certification of skill training programmes and would work in alignment with National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF). The Governing Council of NBSC would comprise wide range of stakeholders including Central Ministries, state governments, skill organizations including CBSE, NSDA, NSDC, SSCs, industry and academia. The process for setting up NBSC has already been initiated and the proposal is at present under inter-ministerial consultation.

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