Question : Restructuring of Railways

(a) whether the Committee on Restructuring Railways (2015) had recommended the decentralization of powers to the level of zones;

(b) whether the Committee had also recommended to give full powers to Zonal Railways for expenditure and re-appropriations and sanctions and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government is contemplating to implement the recommendations in this regard; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Sir. The Committee chaired by Sh. Bibek Debroy, had inter-alia recommended for decentralization of powers to the level of zones and divisions.
(b): Yes, Sir. The Committee inter-alia recommended that within the budget financial outlay, the Zonal Railways should have Full powers for expenditure, re-appropriations and sanctions, subject to it meeting its proportionate earning target.
(c) & (d): Yes, Sir. The Recommendation in this regard is already being acted upon. Significant autonomy and empowerment has been given to zones and divisions since 2017 by way of delegation of administrative and financial powers. As regards re-appropriations, Board has issued relaxation in the delegation of powers of re-appropriation to General Managers on 16.02.2017, whereby the Zones are now empowered to re-appropriate any amount of fund from one work to another, within same plan head and within same source of funds.

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