Question : Scheme to Attract Foreign Tourists

(a) whether the number of foreign tourists has sharply declined during the last three years;
(b) if so, the month-wise and country-wise details thereof along with the reasons therefor;
(c) the details of the top ten tourist destinations preferred by foreign tourists in India and the effective steps taken by the Government to improve the quality and infrastructure facilities in these tourist destinations;
(d) whether the Government has formulated any scheme to attract foreign tourists and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the time by which the said measures are likely to be implemented?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Foreign Tourist Arrivals (in Million) during 2017, 2018 and 2019 were 10.04, 10.56 and 10.89 (provisional) respectively. Thus there has been no decline in Foreign Tourist Arrivals to India during the last three years.

(c), (d) & (e): Destinations wise tourist visits is not centrally maintained in the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. However, details of top 10 States in terms of Foreign Tourist Visits (FTV) during 2018 are given below:
Sr. no. State FTV during 2018 (Revised)
1 Tamil Nadu 6074345
2 Maharashtra* 5078514
3 Uttar Pradesh 3780752
4 Delhi * 2740502
5 Rajasthan 1754348
6 West Bengal 1617105
7 Punjab 1200969
8 Kerala 1096407
9 Bihar 1087971
10 Goa 933841
*Data for 2017 is repeated for 2018.

Development of tourist spots and improvement of infrastructure quality, is primarily the responsibility of the concerned State Government/Union Territory Administration. However, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India under its schemes of Swadesh Darshan, PRASHAD and Assistance to Central Agencies, provides central financial assistance to State Governments/Union Territories/Central Agencies for development of tourism related infrastructure and facilities to provide an enriching tourism experience to visitors which would result in attracting more foreign tourist to India. The projects under the schemes are identified for development in consultation with State Governments/UT Administration and are sanctioned subject to availability of funds. Projects under the schemes are under various stages of implementation.

Further, Ministry of tourism has taken various steps to attract foreign tourist in the country, which inter-alia include the following:

• Extended E- Visa facility to citizens of several countries.
• The Incredible India 2.0 campaign launched with market specific promotional plans and content creation.
• 24x7 Toll Free Multi-Lingual Tourist Helpline 1800111363 launched in 10 International Languages and Hindi & English.
• Organization of biennial International Buddhist Conclave.
• Organization of Annual International Tourism Mart for promotion of tourism in North Eastern States.
• Promotion of activities in tourist generating markets overseas through the India Tourism Offices abroad with active participation in International Tourism Events.

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