(a) the details of Telephone Adalats held in each district of Tamil Nadu during the year 2004-05;

(b) the number of cases filed and decided during the above period;

(c) the details of relaxations provided to the subscribers; and

(d) the details of the Telephone Adalats likely to be held during 2005-06 in Tamil Nadu, district-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): The details are given in the Annexure.



SI. Name of the SSA Date of No. No. of Detail Details of
No. holding of Cases s telephone adalats of Cases dispose of likely to be held Adalat Reed. d Relief during Given 1.4.05 to 31.3.06 (Rs)
1 Chennai NORTH 13/05/04 0	0 0	It is planned to Telephones	hold Telephone	Adalat once in	two months as per	guidelines.	in two months 09/09/04	4 4 0 09/12/04	0 0 0 07/03/05	0 0 0 SOUTH 17/06/04	1 1 0	It is planned to	hold Telephone	Adalat once in	two months as per	guidelines. 25/09/04	4 4 810 17/01/05	7 7 0 23/03/05	2 2 0 WEST 15/06/04	2 2 0	It is planned to	hold Telephone	Adalat once in	two months as per	guidelines. 29/09/04	0 0 0 14/12/04	0 0 0 25/03/05	3 3 2,517 CENTRAL 18/06/04	4 4 0	It is planned to	hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two	months as per	guidelines. 16/09/04	1 1 0 09/12/04	1 1 0 10/03/05	1 1 0
2 Chingleput 27.04.04	09 09 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two	months as per	guidelines. 03.09.04	06 06 0 04.03.05	09 09 0
3 Coimbatore 25.05.04	01 01 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two	months as per	guidelines. 29.07.04	25 25 18,362 15.10.04	15 15 0 30.11.04	02 01 0 28.01.05	15 15 0 30.03.05	04 04 0
4 Cuddalore 30.07.04	21 21 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two	months as per	guidelines. 30.09.04	25 25 0 01.03.05	22 22 0 31.03.05	20 20 0
5 Dharmapuri 08.04.04	02 02 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two	months as per	guidelines. 04.06.04	04 04 1,400 09.09.04	04 04 0 13.12.04	15 15 0 21.02.05	11 11 0 21.03.05	27 27 0
6 Erode 16.06.04	03 03 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two	months as per	guidelines. 28.07.04	05 05 0 30.09.04	01 01 0 30.11.04	03 03 0 29.01.05	04 04 0 31.03.05	01 01 0
7 Karaikudi 11.06.04	18 18 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two	months as per	guidelines. 09.09.04	16 16 0 10.12.04	20 20 0 30.12.04	23 23 0 05.02.05	03 03 0 11.03.05	18 18 0 29.03.05	15 15 0
8 Kumbakonam 27.05.04	14 14 0	It is planned to hold Telephone	Adalat once in two	months as per guidelines. 17.07.04	18 18 0 15.09.04	12 12 0 18.11.04	08 08 0 06.01.05	14 14 0 17.02.05	11 11 0
9 Madurai 15.04.04	09 09 0	It is planned to hold Telephone	Adalat once in two	months as per guidelines. 11.06.04	02 02 0 13.08.04	10 10 0 21.10.04	09 09 0 28.12.04	14 14 0 03.02.05	05 05 0
10 Nagercoil 27.08.04	19 19 0	It is planned to hold Telephone	Adalat once in two	months as per guidelines. 29.11.04	06 06 11,554 28.12.04	08 08 0 29.01.05	22 22 0 28.02.05	18 18 0 30.03.05	13 11 0
11 Nilgiris 30.07.04	01 01 0	It is planned to hold Telephone	Adalat once in two	months as per guidelines. 30.01.05	04 04 0
12 Pondichery 28.05.04	01 01 0	It is planned to hold Telephone	Adalat once in two	months as per guidelines. 06.09.04	06 06 3,042 18.01.05	05 05 0
13 Salem 03.07.04	20 20 1,854	It is planned to hold Telephone	Adalat once in two	months as per guidelines. 28.09.04	29 29 0 30.12.04	24 24 0
14 Thanjavur 01.06.04	10 10 0 It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two months	as per guidelines. 24.08.04	24 24 0 18.10.04	09 09 0 05.02.05	34 34 0
15 Tirunelveli 06.07.04	01 01 0 It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat once in two	months as per guidelines. 31.08.04	07 07 0 17.12.04	01 01 0 20.02.05	03 03 0 30.03.05	18 18 0
16 Tiruchirappali 08.04.04	15 12 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two months	as per guidelines. 16.06.04	04 04 0 31.08.04	07 06 0 19.11.04	06 06 0 04.02.05	11 11 0
17 Tuticorin 15.06.04	14 14 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two months	as per guidelines. 09.12.04	14 14 15,219 31.12.04	11 11 0 01.03.05	21 21 0 26.03.05	11 11 0
18 Vellore 15.07.04	38 37 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two months	as per guidelines. 14.09.04	31 28 0 05.11.04	31 27 0 07.03.05	18 16 0 07.03.05	25 23 0
19 Virudhunagar 21.05.04	05 05 0	It is planned to hold	Telephone Adalat	once in two months	as per guidelines. 26.07.04	00 00 0 27.12.04	04 04 0 31.03.04	00 00 0