(a) to (d) The earlier proposal referred to in reply to Unstarred Question No.801
dated Dec.06, 2004 was for internal restructuring of Brahmaputra Board. The action
for restructuring of Brahmaputra Board was initiated in the Ministry and Recruitment
Rules for promotion to the posts of Chief Engineers and Assured Career Progression
(ACP) cases of Junior Engineers were finalized. As regards Cadre Review proposal,
it is proposed to restructure the Brahmaputra Board by an amendment of the existing
Brahmaputra Board, Act, 1980. A proposal for amendment of the said Act is under
formulation in consultation with the concerned Ministries/ Departments and
authorities/ agencies.
Thereafter, a bill seeking amendment of the Act will be brought up before the Parliament.
After the said bill has been passed, the amended Act will be notified in the official
Gazette and the Board will be restructured accordingly. As this is a time consuming
process, the target for execution of the provisions of the amended Act will depend on
the final passing of the Bill by the Parliament.
(e) In the Master Plan prepared by Brahmaputra Board, detailed studies of the river
system of the basin, hydro-meteorology, analysis of hydrological data, geology, climate,
socioeconomic status, population (human & livestock), urban development, forests,
industries and transport, food and its impact and overall water resource development
are carried out and different measures for control of flood and bank erosion and
improvement of drainage giving due regard to other beneficial purposes are recommended.
The recommendations consist of structural as well as non-structural measures. The
structural measures include short term as well long term measures .
The Board has taken up execution of the schemes for flood moderation and river training
works recommended in the Master plans. These include Harang Drainage Development Scheme,
Protection of Majuli Islands, Avulsion of Brahmaputra at Dholla Hatighuli, Barbhag
Drainage Development Scheme and Pagladiya Dam project. An outlay of Rs. 646.12 crores
was provided during X th plan, against which, an amount of Rs.74.80 crores was spent
on these projects.
The achievements made so far include execution of Anti-erosion schemes, Embankments,
Drainage Development Schemes, setting up of North Eastern Hydraulic and Allied Research
Institute (NEHARI), carrying out of Geo- morphological and allied studies of the river
Brahmaputra etc.