Question : Labour Market Information System

(a) whether the Government proposes to launch Labour Market Information System (LMIS);

(b) if so, the details/salient features/objectives of the said system and the time by which it is likely to be implemented;

(c) the details of skilled workers likely to be captured and made available and the manner in which the Government is likely to capture this data and the sources likely to be accessed for collecting information of skilled workers to be recorded by LMIS along with the accessibility of the data;

(d) whether LMIS also have data about skilled workers trained by Government run Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and vocational institutes in the past and if so, the manner in which the Government is likely to obtain the consent to share the recorded data of the workers trained before LMIS was envisaged; and

(e) whether the Government has envisaged any safeguards on the use of this data and if so, the details thereof and the time frame of its updation schedule?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (e) The Government of India has launched the first phase of the National Labour Market Information System (LMIS) on the 15th July 2016 with a aim to serve a single window access point for all skill development related data in the country for policy makers as well as other stakeholders in the country including candidates, training providers, employers etc.

Some salient features of the scheme are as follows:

• LMIS is a transparent citizen-centric, user friendly, reliable solution and has access channels capable of connecting to all Ministries within the Central Government, State Governments, Corporate bodies, Regulatory Institutions, Skill training agencies and citizens.
• The National LMIS maintains a robust repository of Training Providers, Training Centers, Assessors, Assessment Agencies, Trainers, Certified Candidates, Prospective Candidates, Employers, Certifying Bodies and Courses, each catering to help build an overall picture of the skill ecosystem in India
• The employment linkage on the National LMIS is facilitated through a linkage with the National Career Services Portal maintained by the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
• Candidates looking to undergo skill training can register themselves on the National LMIS through an Aadhar integrated skill registration process indicating their preferred sector and geographical location where they would like to undergo training.
• The National LMIS also maintains a National repository of All training providers registered under various Government of India (GoI) schemes.
• The system brings together statistical (quantitative) and non-statistical (qualitative) information concerning labour market actors and their environment to generate key analysis and reports which can be used for various policy interventions by different government stakeholders, as well as by the industry at large.

First phase of LMIS has been completed and launched in July 2016. As on date 5 data sources form various GoI Ministries have been integrated into the LMIS and it is being further strengthened.
The National LMIS captures the data of all candidates, trained and certified through various GoI schemes and programs for access through the National repository of Certified Candidates. The repository captures the basic details of the candidate, trade he/she is certified in and the details of the training centre where he/she underwent training. This data is sourced from various existing skill development MIS systems maintained by different Central and State departments. The database captures only candidate data, including the data of skilled workers trained through Government-run Industrial Training Institutes from the year 2014. The data available on the National LMIS is open to all stakeholders. The LMIS database is a reflection of data available in the source and cannot be modified or altered by external entities.

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