Question : Funds Released under Various Schemes to Haryana and Bihar

(a) the details of the funds released to Sonipat, Haryana and Darbhanga, Bihar under various schemes of the Ministry;

(b) whether the said funds have been utilized under the concerned schemes;

(c) if so, the details of the schemes completed or on the verge of completion; and

(d) the details of the reasons if the schemes are still incomplete?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Culture and Minister of State for Environment, Forest and Climate Change


(a) to (d) Details of funds released to beneficiaries in Sonipat, Haryana and Darbhanga, Bihar under various schemes administered by this Ministry are given as under:-

Sl.No. Financial Year Place of benefi-ciaries No. of benefi-ciaries Amount released(in Rs.)
Name of scheme Utilization status and purpose

1 2015-16 Sonipat, Haryana 2 96000 Scheme for Pension and Medical Aid to Artistes Utilized for improving the financial and socio-economic status of the old artistes.
Darbhanga, Bihar 1 37500 Production Grant* Utilized for organizing the Cultural Production.

2 2016-17 Sonipat, Haryana 2 96000 Scheme for Pension and Medical Aid to Artistes Utilized for improving the financial and socio-economic status of the old artistes.
Darbhanga, Bihar 1 50000 Cultural Function Production Grant Utilization Certificate has not become due.

3 2017-18 Sonipat, Haryana 2 96000 Scheme for Pension and Medical Aid to Artistes Utilized for improving the financial and socio-economic status of the old artistes.
2 450000 Cultural Function and Production Grant Utilized for organizing cultural production/function.
Darbhanga, Bihar 2 500000 Cultural Function and Production Grant Utilization Certificate has not become due.
1 12500 Production Grant* Utilized for organizing the Cultural Production.
*Later on merged with Cultural Function Grant and renamed as Cultural Function and Production Grant.

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