(a) whether the performance of the Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (RAPDRP) and the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) for rural BPL households has been very poor;

(b) if so, the reasons therefor;

(c) whether due to absence of monitoring mechanism the Government has sustained a huge loss while implementing the above schemes;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether the Government proposes to evolve a monitoring mechanism to monitor the funds earmarked for these two schemes; and

(f) if so, the details thereof along with the remedial measures being taken or proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) : Government of India has launched 2 developmental programmes in power sector namely Restructured-Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) during 11th Plan period with the aim to reduce the AT&C losses in the country and Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) for providing access to electricity to all households in the country.

Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana :

Under RGGVY, 573 projects covering electrification of 1,18,499 (revised to 1,10,337) un/de-electrified villages, release of 2,46,45,017 (revised to 2,33,87,232) BPL connections have been sanctioned in the country. Cumulatively the electrification works in 98,612 un/de-electrified villages have been completed and 1,68,85,626 BPL connections have been released under RGGVY, as on 31.07.2011. The progress of release of BPL connections under RGGVY so far is quite satisfactory. The remaining works in the sanctioned projects under RGGVY are expected to be completed by the end of XI Plan period.

Restructured-Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Programme:

Projects under the scheme are being taken up in two Parts. Part-A includes the projects for IT applications for energy accounting / auditing, GIS, consumer indexing, SCADA & IT based consumer service centers etc. and Part-B for system strengthening of distribution network. Power Finance Corporation (PFC) is the nodal agency to operationalize the R-APDRP programme.

Under Part-A of R-APDRP, 1401 projects worth Rs.5177Crs.and 42 projects for SCADA worth Rs.982.45Crs. and under Part-B of R-APDRP, 907 projects worth Rs.19367.43 Cr. have been sanctioned.

At present, R-APDRP schemes are at different stages of implementation and are yet to be fully implemented. The performance of R-APDRP can be judged only after complete implementation.

(e) to (f): The Govt. of India has taken the following steps for the effective implementation of RGGVY:

i) The Government of India has set up an inter-Ministerial Monitoring Committee chaired by Secretary (Power), MoP, which periodically meets to sanction projects and review progress of implementation.

ii) States have been advised to set up district committees to monitor the progress of rural electrification works. All the states have notified formation of district committees.

iii) The States have also been requested by MOP to hold monthly meeting under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary to resolve the bottlenecks in implementation of RGGVY.

iv) Ministry of Power, the Government of India as well as Rural Electrification Corporation (REC), the nodal agency for RGGVY, conduct frequent review meetings with all the stakeholders; the concerned State Governments, state power utilities and implementing agencies for expeditious implementation of the scheme as per the agreed schedules.

The steering Committee under the chairmanship of Secretary (Power) sanctions monitors and reviews the implementation of R-APDRP at Central level. Monthly review meetings are held by PFC (the nodal agency to operationalize the programme) and for evaluation of ongoing works, field visits are undertaken by Power Finance Corporation (PFC) & Central Electricity Authority(CEA).

The scheme is also being monitored by concerned utility and by State Distribution Reforms Committee headed by State Power Secretary. PFC, the Nodal agency also organizes regional seminars to provide experience sharing platform between various utilities.

Since the conversion of loan into grant is subject to completion of projects within stipulated time frame and reduction of AT&C losses, State utilities undertake regular reviews of progress of implementation of the scheme in their respective States.